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sbdnate's Chaos Zombies ☼☺☻♥Updated♥☻☺☼


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2x Z-Master

1x Turtle

2x Paladin

2x Mezuki

2x Goblin

1x PSZ

1x Il Blud

2x Chaos Sorcerer

2x Ryko

1x Lyla

1x Thunder King

2x Krebon

1x Gale

1x DAD

1x Kycoo



2x Allure

1x Charge

1x Terraforming

2x Z-World

2x BoL

1x BfaDD

1x Storm

1x Trunade

1x Brain

1x Foolish

1x E-Tele



1x CotH

1x TT

2x BTH

1x RftDD



2x SDD

2x Colossal Fighter

1x TRA

1x RDA

1x Armor Master

1x Urbellum

1x BRD

1x Goyo

2x Gaia Knight

1x Doomkaiser Dragon

1x Revived King Ha Des

1x Gyzarus


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I thought about Thunder Dragons+Hand Destruction in Chaos Zombie if you didn't fancy running the LS stuff' date=' there's plenty of synergy for the abundance of cards that already require a discard.



I like the LS since they can actually do something... Also:


-1 Ryko


+1 Thunder King (I can spam the hell out of it with Z-World and more than one would mess with the Goblin engine...)


So far, this is working quite well... I haven't given it a true test yet, but, from how it was doing against the nooblets in terms of hands and how well it moves, it seems pretty consistent...

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