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¤ Dªrĸ's 10,000 Post Celebration ¤


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[align=center]¤ Dªrĸ's 10,000 Post Celebration ¤


Well, what can I say? I've finally hit 10,000 posts. As you can tell, I am extremely ecstatic at this moment. It took me a long time to build myself up to this point. Over a year of ''work'' to get to 10,000 posts. I've been on this website for awhile (maybe a bit too long), and this is probably one of the happiest and memorable moments so far.


But, really, what is the whole point of this thread? I am clearly attention whoring, yes? Well, to an extent, I am attention whoring. Everyone does it, but I try to keep it under control. ;)


This thread serves many purposes. The attention-whoring part is to celebrate, but for me only. Throw gifts at me, praise me, treat me like a God (even though God does not exist). But this thread also serves another purpose. For those of you who know me more than you should, you'll probably realize that I stopped making cards. I made it a goal of mine to make cards again, even if it was only for a single thread. And I can say, these will be the last 5 cards I will ever make. Card making was fun back in the day, but now it just seems tedious and boring. Why make cards when you can hang around with your ''friends'' in General?


I know you are all thinking that I'm rambling on and on and on, about boring crap you really don't care about. So I'll continue the speech later on, after the ''main attraction'', so to speak.


Like I said before, these are the last five cards I will ever make (or at least ever post) in my life. My theme was "Anime Girls", mostly because I have an extensive database filled with these pictures, and it just seems like a fun thing to base your final cards off of. I'd like to give a shout-out to J-Max at this point, who shares my liking of Anime girls. :]


Other than that, there really wasn't anything binding these cards together. It's just random pictures I found who turned into cards with effects corresponding to the pictures. So this isn't really a ''set'', per se.


The OCG was created and corrected by myself. The pictures were all found by me, and they were either found on Photobucket, or they were already on my computer. In the former case, the Image Credit would be "Photobucket". In the latter case, the Image Credit is "unknown", but I can assure you none of these pictures are from deviantART. I don't want to go down that (stupid) road again. =P


4 of the Holos (you'll be able to tell which) were done by me, but the final Holo (you'll be able to tell which) was done by ♥ ЅϯᵲåώӀӞ℮ᴙʀɣ−ɴɨɨ−ƈħåɴ ♥. I'd like to give a shout-out to her now, because when I used to make cards, she was my main person for Holoing and OCG fixing. And now she still has the same flourishing shop in (drumroll) the Shops section.


Before I give you guys the cards, note that some of these pictures may be considered ''PG-13'' by some viewers. I try to keep card pictures to a minimum of explicit level, but sometimes it's tough to pass up if you find an extremely good picture. I can assure you that nothing is too explicit so that it would be rated ''R'', but some of the original pictures were rated ''R''. Thank my expert cropping skills. [/ego]


Without any further ado, here are my cards especially made for this thread. The first four cards are based off of the elements of dark, light, water and fire. The fifth card is what I worked the most on, and slaved over for a long while. It really isn't based off of much, but it fits in with the theme.


On a really quick side note, the names of the Anime girls were based off of Latin words corresponding to their elements.


[spoiler=Atrum, Keeper of Demons]



This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned from the Graveyard by Tributing 1 DARK monster. For every DARK monster in your Graveyard, increase this monster's ATK by 100. For every LIGHT monster in your opponent's Graveyard, decrease this monster's ATK by 100. If this card is sent to the Graveyard, inflict 700 Life Points of Direct Damage to your opponent.



[spoiler=Luxis, Guardian of Light]



During your Standby Phase, you can pay 200 Life Points to increase this monster's DEF by 100. If this card is sent to the Graveyard by a LIGHT monster, Special Summon it in face-up Defense Position during your next End Phase. Once per duel, you can Tribute this monster to destroy 1 DARK monster on the field.



[spoiler=Aquaria, Maiden of the Seas]



Once per turn, during your Standby Phase, you can decrease the ATK of a FIRE monster on the field by 500 OR increase the DEF of a WATER monster on the field by 500. If this card attacks the opponent's Life Points directly, it is sent to the Graveyard during your next End Phase.



[spoiler=Vesta, Aura of Fire]



During your Standby Phase, you can Tribute 1 FIRE monster on your side of the field to increase this monster's ATK by 500 until your next End Phase. If this card is sent to the Graveyard by a Trap Card Effect, inflinct 1000 Life Points of Direct Damage to your opponent and remove this card from play.





And the card you've been waiting for, my last card on YCM...


[spoiler=Ingenia, Sparkling Beauty]



This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by Tributing 1 DARK monster, 1 LIGHT monster and 1 Angel-Type monster. During each of your Standby Phases, decrease this card's ATK by 100. Once per turn, you can decrease this card's ATK by 500 to decrease one DARK or LIGHT monster's ATK on the field by 500. Once per duel, you can increase this card's ATK by 1500 for the Battle Phase only. If this card is sent to the Graveyard, remove it from play instead.





You don't actually have to rate them, seeing as I can't get better because I don't make any more cards. But you can if you want. If you are going to rate it, hopefully you have some knowledge of the Yugioh metagame as of now. Because I know nothing about the current metagame. I don't even play the TCG!


This year on YCM and these 10,000 posts have been very fun. I've had my fair share of trolling, my fair share of ''friends'', and I've gotten involved much with this website. I hope to continue going on YCM for awhile, as I don't want to get a life. On an unrelated note, lives are overrated. I don't like people in general, and I'm not social. =D


So, I guess you can now shower me with whatever gift you have in mind. I don't require any sort of gift, but this is a ''celebration''. D:<


I would make a list of my ''friends'' on YCM, but it's going to be too long and I'm afraid I'll miss out on someone important. But you should know who you are. :3


I don't know what else to write, but I guess that is the power of the "edit" button. ;D




(Unique ending, huh?)


I'm not going to be replying to any of your posts because I want to bask in the glory of having exactly 10,000 posts for as much time as possible.


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If you're not going to respond, then I guess I won't suggest edits. However, I see these problems:


"Atrum" -- I think most people would prefer a "Monarch"; they have instant payback for your pains. This card is a beatstick without much protection, though it would probably have a lot of ATK if you played a Dark Deck... I'm not sure what to think.


"Luxis" -- Really, the only effect you can rely on of hers is her ability to kill herself to destroy a DARK Monster. And "Exiled Force" is all about that (plus it's got more ATK than her)


"Aquaria" -- Useless, really. It's effects will never have a decent application.


"Vesta" -- Only good in a Fire Deck (wannabe "Flamvell" maybe?)


"Ingenia" -- Too strong, and too hard to summon. Overpowered.

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yayz for you




If you're not going to respond' date=' then I guess I won't suggest edits. However, I see these problems:


"Atrum" -- I think most people would prefer a "Monarch"; they have instant payback for your pains. This card is a beatstick without much protection, though it would probably have a lot of ATK if you played a Dark Deck... I'm not sure what to think.


"Luxis" -- Really, the only effect you can rely on of hers is her ability to kill herself to destroy a DARK Monster. And "Exiled Force" is all about that (plus it's got more ATK than her)


"Aquaria" -- Useless, really. It's effects will never have a decent application.


"Vesta" -- Only good in a Fire Deck (wannabe "Flamvell" maybe?)


"Ingenia" -- Too strong, and too hard to summon. Overpowered.



Didn't understand too much of what you said, but I thank you for taking the time to try to help me. =)


Cool Story Bro.


I am actually basking in the glory of the epicness of the brilliance etc. of your supreme card-making skills.


Supreme card-making skills? o_O


Still have 0 cards!


Thank the Holoes and the smexiness.

Waa- it a sec. Fake Types don't belong here' date=' they belong to AoC!

I thought you hate Fake Types!



The only "fake type" was Angel, and that's really the Japanese version of Fairy.


i cannot belive i read that lol final cards looks good and for a last rate for you 9/10:)


Thank you. ^_^

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