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Solid backgrounds are generally easy to remove, but just keep in mind that .jpg files don't have transparency and will always give a white background by default; even if you cut out the rest of it. 


Should have it done within a couple of days; have some tests to deal with (plus that other order in front of you)

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Welcome to my GFX store.





Booster Packs (both TCG/OCG)






More things will be added in the future.



1. Regular YCM rules apply.


2. Fill out the order forms properly, otherwise I will not do them.


3. Do not rush me to complete orders. 

Remember I have college things to attend to, and may/may not have time to do things as quick. I will try my best to get your things done ASAP.


4.I reserve the right to turn down orders if they prove too complex to do. (This is more or less the rendering job)


5. Maximum of 3 items per user at a time; also please do not order more stuff until I complete your current requests.


6. Remember to credit when using items. Thank you.




Free (I don't really have much use for points nowadays, so yeah)



Keep in mind that you're free to tip / rep if you appreciate the service.







Please follow the forms properly, or I will not fill your requests.


TCG Boosters

TCG Version
Name of Booster: (What do you want your booster to be called)
Style: (DM/GX, 5Ds Gen 1, 5Ds New Gen, ZEXAL Gen, ZEXAL 2, Arc-V)
Color: (Blue / Red / Yellow / White / Black / Orange / Violet / Green; essentially the Booster Pack rainbow)
Render: (Picture without a background; ask Yin/Thar to do one or fill out separate form here)

OCG Boosters

OCG Version
Name of Booster: (What do you want your booster to be called)
Version: (TCG or OCG)
Style: (DM/GX, 5Ds Gen 1, 5Ds New Gen, ZEXAL Gen, ZEXAL 2, Arc-V)
Color: (Blue / Red / Yellow / White / Black / Orange / Violet / Green; essentially the Booster Pack rainbow)
Render: (Picture without a background; ask Yin/Thar to do one or fill out separate form here)

Holo Card


Please note that these are basic holos. Advanced ones (where I foil around the pics) along with name ones will be added later on.

Holo Sheet (Blue / Yellow)



Just post the picture you want rendered.


Signature Items

Size (1/2/3) - Tags (450 x 150) are 1; Signatures (600 x 200) are 2; Banners (900 x 300) are 3
Background (do you want a colored BG or another background); specify.
Animated? (Y/N). Please keep in mind that if you want it animated, it'll be a holographic effect (see examples) unless you state any personal preferences. Otherwise, default will not be animated. 



Keep in mind that unless stated, avatars will be designed as 200 x 200 (just so it shows up better on YCM).

(Uploader prefers images at 200x200 or larger, so it also allows more usage of the stock picture)

Animated? (Y/N). Unless otherwise specified, it'll be a holographic effect (see examples)






Boosters (TCG)





In order (first 6): Arc-V, ZEXAL 2, ZEXAL New Gen, 5Ds New Gen, 5Ds V1, DM/GX


Boosters (OCG)




In order: Arc-V, ZEXAL 2, 5Ds NewGen, ZEXAL New Gen, 5Ds V1, DM/GX






If you guys want your Pendulum monsters to be holo foiled, I can also do those.

































OCG Template is mine 


Tech Circle for the 5Ds V1 goes to PowerlinX or some other GFX veteran in the past (they're long gone now)


TCG stuff is also my template.


1st I just want to know if that pendulum monster in examples is a real card or made up, and if it is, say if I gave you one of my hand draw drawing, could you make the color graphics look more like the people in konami color them because I'm only good at hand drawing and coloring?

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Anyway, just as a heads-up that I have no internet at home for a couple days, so will have to upload any/all orders at school.

I'll have to do them on Monday at the earliest due to college work (in the respect of DOING the orders).


Roshi's one, I can do on netbook (except I lack certain brushes here); Kuriboh's one will have to wait a while.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Sakura! Hope you're not too busy! Here's my order


TCG Version

Name of Booster: I'm not sure about a title name for this pack, but something that has to do with demons, zombies, and fiends. I trust you to come up with great title.

Style: Arc-V

Color: Violet

Render: http://s825.photobucket.com/user/JazinKay/media/Demons/OriginMageIldona.png.html?sort=3&o=1 This is the link to the picture.

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Keep in mind that whatever's on the main post is the stuff I have available.

You might want to have this as a general request, since there are some other members who can do logos better than I can.


(Though I can give it a shot)


Just note what you'd like for the logo to say and all that necessary stuff.

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So render the Frightfur/Deathtoy Fusions, and Sabres.

I haven't done Yugioh renders for a while, so this should be fun.


(That being said, you should use their full size images, which I think are 400 x 580 or something; picture looks cleaner. I think Wikia has them.)



Then again, I have another booster order to deal with, so...

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Hey Sakura,


I got a second order for you if you don't mind


TCG Version

Name of Booster: I trust you to come up with a great title. A title that has to do with Aztecs gods is my only requirement.

Style: Arc-V

Color: I'm hesitant between white and violet. I'm not sure which color fits best, so I'll let you decide that.

Render: As usual, I don't have a render of the image but here's the link to the image: http://s1091.photobucket.com/user/Sword-Summoner/media/giganticgolem.png.html?sort=3&o=44

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