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GUARDIANS, the rise of darkness(not started/accepting/co-owned by MKS)(Pg-16)

Lord of Chaos

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The world has been thrown into chaos, "supers" have began to appear everywhere, the goverments of the world have tried to control the out break but their attempt have all been forted, two groups of "supers" have emerged each of witch have their own goals, SHADOWS has begun to steal items that seem worthless apart, but together they have unknown power. GUARDIANS is a group formed to stop the SHADOWS from obtaining these items. You are a "super" you fight for SHADOWS, GAURDIANS, or for your own personal reasoning, the fate of the world is in your hands will darkness cover the world or will richousness preval over evil, you decide[/spoiler]

[spoiler=RULES, READ THEM]
1. All advanced rules aply
2. posts must be 4 lines or longer
3. Some romance is allowed as long as it does not interfer with the main plot
4. swearing is allowed, just dont over use this I will make you edit
5. remember this is an action RP, so get to fighting
6. to be accepted place tacos in the other section of the application[/spoiler]

Character Name:
Age: (at least 18)
Gender: (Male/Female/Other?)
Alinement: (SHADOWS, GUARDIANS, or other, if other state why)
Bio: (at least 5 lines)
Fighting Style: (How He/She/It Fights)
Other Interesting Facts: (Something The Bio Didn't State)
Sample Post: (Give Me An Example Of How Good You Are)[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Free Super Powers]
Power sensing
- Ability to sense or recognize superhuman powers.
Free: I see no problem with Sensing others powers; though not everyone can be sensed.

Accelerated healing
- Ability to heal rapidly from any injury; the rate of recovery varies from character to character. Can sometimes result in the slowing of aging.
Free: Accelerated Healing allows people to get back quickly into the game instead of waiting. Now this power would normaly go into the Restricted Files if not for the fact that I do not think most people will be healing themselves after having their head hacked off.

Acid generation
- Ability to generate acid, can be manifested through touch or as a spray.
Free: Being able to generate acid is a great power when you know how to use it. In close quarters it can be lethal.

Animal mimicry
- Ability to take on the abilities of certain animals.
Free: While most animals cannot beat a super, the combined might of the entire animal kingdom does give this power its advantages.

Body part substitution
- Ability to replace one's limbs or other body parts with those of another.
Free: I do not see any harm in grabbing the arm off of a dead person, or living for that matter, and using it for yourself. Just make sure its nice and "fresh".

Bone Manipulation
- Ability to manipulate the bones in one's own body. This includes, but is not limited to, the generation of new bone mass, projecting bones out from the skin or rearranging one's own bones.
Free: While this power has many uses, against other Supers the bones might be no more than wooden sticks. However a smart Super will find ways to make this power incredibly deadly.

- Ability to determine location of items in the environment by use of reflected sound waves, whether generated by the character or ambient sound. Also known as sonar or radar sense.
Free: Echolocation, though not useful in most battles, is one of those powers it might be good to have around. One thing is for sure- you'll never get lost in a cave.

- Ability to temporarily merge two beings into a single being, which results in a completely new and stronger being.
Free: Though it sounds good at first, there is a few requirments to fulfill this power. You need a partner and he/she needs to be able to get to you. Also, like Fusion in DBZ, there is a time limit on the Merge.

Pheromone manipulation
- Ability to generate and control pheromones which may have various effects.
Free: Not battle worthy in any sense, the weilder of this power may have some interesting moves that will end up beating many other supers.

Poison generation
- Ability to assault others with one or more varieties of toxins, with widely disparate effects.
Free: As with Acid Generation, this power is best used in close quarters.

Prehensile/Animated Hair
- Ability to animate and lengthen one's hair.
Free: Strangle someone with your long hair . . . yeah.

Sonic Scream
- Ability to generate vocal sounds of a higher amplitude than a normal human.
Free: With a sonic scream you can make your opponent deaf, or possibly kill him. Strikes to the throat may temporarily cut your power off and so will long uses of it.

Superhuman Durability
- Ability to have a higher resistance to one or more forms of damage before being injured.
Free: A power, I think, no super should be without. It allows you to take more damage than a normal human and lets you fight longer as well.

Superhuman reflexes
- Ability to react faster than a normal human.
Free: A power, I think, no super should be without.

Superhuman Senses
- Ability to see, smell, taste, feel and/or hear more than a normal human.
Free: A power, I think, no super should be without.

Superhuman Strength
- Ability to have a level of physical strength much higher than normally possible given their proportions.
Free: A power, I think, no super should be without.

Superhuman Vision
- Ability to see better than normally possible.
Free: A power, I think, no super should be without.

Night Vision
- Ability to see clearly in darkness.
Free: most useful, of course, during the night time when your enemy is unable to see you as clearly.

X-ray Vision
- Ability to see through solid matter.
Free: A multiuse power that not only lets you see inside potential hazards, but gives you some "other" nice peeps.

Telescopic/Microscopic Vision
- Ability to magnify vision to various levels.
Free: Good for long distance scouting missions.

- Ability to crawl on vertical and horizontal surfaces.
Free: Be like spidy, stick to walls and crawl over those pesky laser grids.

- Ability to respirate through water in lieu of a gaseous medium. Not to be confused with an ability to go without breathing or to be able to breathe an alternate air supply.
Free: This power is best used in combination with Water Manipulation; so you don't drowned yourself.

Innate Capability
- Ability to naturally have skills and/or knowledge typically earned through learning.
Free: Because not even I can imagine what this is good for . . .

Superhuman Intelligence
- Intelligence far above that of a genius level.
Con: Being smart is a must in this world.

Superhuman Tracking
- Ability to track an individual or object through supernatural means; sometimes referred to as "pathfinding."
Free: The same as Power Sensing

- The abilities of extra-sensory perception (ESP) and communication.
Free: This allows you to speak without moving your lips. The ultimate venriloquist!

Astral Projection
- Also known as astral travel, this is the ability to separate and control one's astral body.
Free: Allows you to move freely to observe people, but you cannot interact with them in any way.

Cross-dimensional awareness
- Ability to detect actions and events in other dimensions. This is occasionally used in comics as an awareness of the fourth wall between the characters and the artist or audience.
Free: Being able to see into other dimensions isn't very useful.

- Ability to see and communicate with the dead (i.e., ghosts).
Free: No reason why a dead man can't talk. Right?

- Ability to perceive the future. It may be expressed in vague dreams while asleep, other times it can be clear and can occur at will. It may also be used as a form of "danger sense" to show the user that they are being threatened and from what direction it is coming from.
Free: Remember, everytime you look into the future . . . it changes because you looked.

- Ability to relate details about the past or future condition of an object or location, usually by being in close contact with it.
Free: This power is not absolute and the "readings" can sometimes be wrong.

- Ability to read the thoughts of, or to mentally communicate with others.
Free: Same as ESP

Psionic blast
- Ability to overload another's mind causing pain, memory loss, lack of consciousness, vegetative state or death after having created a psionic link into that individual's mind.
Free: As with any form of mental power the long it is used the worse the drain on the individual

Psychic weapons
- Ability to create a weapon of psychic energy that can harm mentally and not physically.
Free: As with any form of mental power the long it is used the worse the drain on the individual

Radiation manipulation
- Ability to generate, manipulate or have immunity to toxic radiation.
Free: Best used in close quarters. Not lethal in small does.

Concussion beams
- Ability to generate or transform various forms of energy into a "solid" or concussive beam of energy.
Free: As with Chi this power puts a straighn on the user.

Energy blasts
- Ability to expel various forms of energy from the body.
Free: As with Chi this power puts a straighn on the user.

Energy constructs
- Ability to create complex shapes (such as giant boxing gloves or cages) or even functional machinery (such as fire extinguishers or laser rifles) out of solid energy.
Free: As with Chi this power puts a straighn on the user.

- Ability to lift off the ground, to ride air currents or to fly self-propelled through the air.
Free: I see no problem with flying. As long as you don't go into outer space and kill yourself [even then I really don't mind].

Animal Morphing
- Ability to take on animal forms. May be able to take on the abilities of the altered form.
Free: As with Animal Mimicry, I see no problem in this power.

- Ability to stretch, deform, expand or contract one's body into any form they can imagine.
Free: Nothing larger than a building, northing smaller than a quarter. And your actualy strength does not increase when you stretch.

- Ability to turn partially or completely into a liquid.
Free: As long as you do not get swallowed and kill them from the inside, its good.

Size shifting
- Ability to increase or decrease one's size.
Free: Your strength may not actually increase, but having something as big as a building falling on you might be hard to lift.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Restricted Super Powers]
- Many characters who train in martial arts gain superhuman capabilities by learning to harness chi or some form of life energy. This type of method generally provides extraordinary strength, speed, durability and reflexes. Also often used for superhuman awareness, energy blasts, elemental powers and sometimes invulnerability.
Con: Using Life Energy, naturally, drains your own stamina. So extended periods of battle are not likely [unless with proper training]

Magical powers
- Ability to use magical forces to varying degrees. Often used to simulate other powers, such as mind control and elemental attacks.
Con: As with Chi magical energy puts a major drain on the users body; however it also drains the "spirit" of its weilder. Without proper training not many high level spells can be used. In addition not ALL spells CAN be used.

-Ability to manipulate technology.
Con: This power requires concentration and alot of it. In addition the user's skill level decides what, how big, and how long the user can manipulate/control the machine.

- Ability to manipulate and control objects with the mind, often in ways not visible to the naked eye.
Con: As with Technopathy, this power requires concentration. The longer, or harder, the user draws on this particular power the more bodily harm they do to themselves.

Power mimicry
-Ability to copy another's powers or skills.
Con: Copying another Super's ability is not taking it for keeps. You will eventually loose it and thus have to reabsorb it again.

- Ability to create physical duplicates of oneself.
Con: As with most powers in this section, making copies of oneself buts a drain on the user. The more clones, the more tired you get. In addition the more clones you make the weaker they are [due to the fact you are dividing your own power amoungst them].

- Ability to render the user unseen to the naked eye
Con: The ability to become invisible to the naked eye allows its user to sneak into anywhere and be the nearly perfect assassine. However you are not exempt from the OTHER means of location; such as . . . smell, sound, sense, telepathy, body heat, touch, etc.

Kinetic absorption
- Ability to absorb forms of kinetic energy into oneself and utilize it in some way, such as by converting it into physical strength or using it to power energy blasts.
Con: This was part of the Restricted Files, but was moved here because after some thinking I realized you can't absorb everything. Absorbing too much of anything will eventually ruin your body [aka kill you] either by your body giving out or . . . by you exploding.

Self-detonation or explosion
- Ability to explode one's body mass and reform.
Con: Though you explode, you may not actually kill your opponent, at which you will have to wait to reform and try again.

Superhuman breath
- Ability to inhale/exhale with superhumanly powerful strength. This can range from exhalation on par with gale force winds to inhalation on par with the power of a gravitational vortex. In some cases, freezing temperatures can also be acheived.
Con: The maximum of these abilities are not to be used.

Mental projection
- Ability to project one's consciousness/emotions into the astral plane, into another, or to make them real.
Con: Being able to place yourself in anothers body is God Modding. However the other aspects of this ability saves it from being in the Restricted File.

- Ability to read or sense the emotions and/or control the emotions or feelings of others.
Cons: Controlling the Emotions of another person is God Modding. Read and sensing keep it in this area.

Darkness/Shadow Manipulation
- Ability to create or manipulate darkness, often by mentally accessing a dimension of dark energy and manipulating it.
Con: Alot of skill is required to manipulate something you cannot physically touch. So this skill is not generally used.

Density Control
- Ability to increase or decrease the natural density of an object and/or one's self.
Con: Though making yourself heavier or lighter is good- electrical pulses will "short circut" your ability and make it go out of control.

Elemental transmutation
- The ability to alter chemical elements, changing them from one substance to another by rearranging the atomic structure. May be limited to self-transmutation.
Con: This power can make water become acid and the like. However the user must have a sample of the chemical they wish to be made.

Gravity manipulation
- Ability to manipulate or generate gravitons, or other types of gravitational interactions.
Con: Limited powers as to Pain.

Light manipulation
- Ability to control, generate or absorb light particles.
Con: Alot of skill is required to manipulate something you cannot physically touch. So this skill is not generally used.

Magnetism manipulation
- Ability to control and/or generate magnetic fields.
Con: Alot of skill is required to manipulate something you cannot physically touch. So this skill is not generally used.

Mass manipulation
- Ability to increase or decrease mass in an object.
Con: Though making yourself heavier or lighter is good- electrical pulses will "short circut" your ability and make it go out of control.

Air Manipulation
- Ability to control, generate, or absorb air or wind.
Con: This power should be limited according to the character.

Ice Manipulation
- Ability to reduce the kinetic energy of atoms and thus reduce temperature, can be used to control, generate, or absorb ice.
Con: This power should be limited according to the character.

Earth Manipulation
- Ability to control earth; sand, stone, rock, lava, dirt, or other minerals.
Con: This power should be limited according to the character.

Plant Manipulation
- Ability to control, manipulate or animate all forms of plant life.
Con: This power should be limited according to the character.

Electric Manipulation
- Ability to control, generate or absorb electric fields.
Con: This power should be limited according to the character.

Fire Manipulation
- Ability to control the kinetic energy of atoms to generate, control or absorb fire.
Con: This power should be limited according to the character.

Water Manipulation
- Ability to control, generate or absorb water.
Con: This power should be limited according to the character.

Weather Manipulation
- Ability to control or mentally affect the weather. This includes the ability to generate various natural phenomena (rain, tornadoes, lightning, ocean currents, etc.) or control the intensity of the weather.
Con: This power should be limited according to the character.

Force field generation
- Ability to project powerful fields of manipulated energy.
Con: As with any mental power this one diamages the user the longer it is kept up.

Main articles: Conjuration and Evocation
See also: Magic satchel
Ability to summon objects for assistance. This may range from invoking simple implements to mighty familiar spirits.
Con: As with magic, the siritual drain can cause death.

Superhuman Speed
See also: List of fictional characters who can move at superhuman speeds
Ability to move at speeds much faster than a normal human.
Con: The body of the user can only go so fast.

- Ability to move from one place to another without occupying the space in between.
Con: Though with time the drain can become minimal, the user must always see where he/she is going to teleport to- or frear instant death.

- Ability to alter or deceive the perceptions of another. Can be sensory, a light or sound-based effect, or an alteration of mental perceptions
Con: The time the illusion lasts is depended on the user and victim. Not everyone can fall for one.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Illegal Super Powers]
Energy sourcing
- Ability to draw power from large or small but abundant sources of energy, such as turning kinetic energy into physical blasts or converting solar energy into other forms. Sometimes based on proximity to source, sometimes stored for future use.
Reason For Illegality: Being abelt o have a constant and abundant power source is not fair to anyone.

Power bestowal
- Ability to bestow powers or jump-start latent powers.
Reason For Illegality: With this power you have the capability of making any super you please. And I mean, come on, who wants to fight someone like that!?

Power negation
- Ability to cancel the superpowers of others.
Reason For Illegality: Do I Need To Say Why This Is Illegal?

Biological manipulation
- Ability to control all aspects of a living creature's biological make-up. This includes, but is not limited to, genetic alterations, physical distortion/augmentations, healing, disease, and biological functions.
Reason For Illegality: The user of this power has the capability of never being hit in the heart- or virtually dying for that matter.

Temporal duplication
- Ability to bring past and future versions of oneself back to the present.
Reason For Illegality: Bringing yourself from the past and future messes with the storyline and confuses things easily. Best to avoid this power all together.

- Ability to be immune to one or more forms of physical damage.
Reason For Illegality: Whoever possesses this power is bascially unbeatable. They cannot take damage and so you do not know when you are about to kill them. Plus it is God Modding.

Matter ingestion
- Ability to consume any sort of matter without any ill effects on the user.
Reason For Illegality: The power's desription says it all.

Reactive adaptation/evolution
- Ability to develop a resistance or immunity to whatever they were injured by or exposed to. This effect can be permanent or temporary.
Reason For Illegality: It is basically God Modding.

- Ability to understand any form of language, a natural polyglot. This can be accomplished in various ways.
Reason For Illegality: God Modding

- Ability to know anything and everything.
Reason For Illegality: God Modding

Ecological Empathy
- The ability to sense the overall well-being and conditions of one's immediate environment and natural setting stemming from a psychic sensitivity to nature.
Reason For Illegality: God Modding

Domination/Mind Control
- The ability to alter the perceptions of others, and general ability to control the actions of others with the mind.
Reason For Illegality: God Modding- again.

Astral trapping
- Ability to cause an astral projection to stay on the astral plane, usually in one specific place.
Reason For Illegality: Though not bad in any sense, I just can't think of a time when we will HAVE an astral battle.

Memory manipulation
- Ability to erase or enhance the memories of another.
Reason For Illegality: God Modding

-Ability to take control and inhabit the body of an individual.
Reason For Illegality: God Modding.

- Ability to bring inanimate objects to life or to free an individual from petrification.
Reason For Illegality: God Modding.

- Ability to disintegrate matter through touch or through beams.
Reason For Illegality: Need I say it?

- Ability to live forever. This may be complete immortality encompassing invulnerability, partial invulnerability to all but specific events or simply an inability to age normally.
Reason For Illegality: Its Immortality Dude! Come On!!!

Ability to come back to life after being killed.
Reason For Illegality: God Modding.

Intangibility or phasing
- Ability to phase through solid matter without harm.
Reason For Illegality: God Modding.

Molecular manipulation
- Ability to mentally manipulate the molecules of objects and/or one's self on a molecular level.
Reason For Illegality: God Modding.

Probability manipulation
- Ability to alter probability, causing unlikely things to happen or likely things to not happen.
Reason For Illegality: God Modding.

Reality warping
- Ability to change or manipulate reality itself.
Reason For Illegality: God Modding.

Sound manipulation
- Ability to manipulate sound.
Reason For Illegality: Being able to control sound you can easily blow someone's head up. Not fair in the least bit.

Time manipulation
- Ability to affect the flow of time by slowing, accelerating, reversing, or stopping it.
Reason For Illegality: God Modding.

Energy conversion
- Ability to absorb one form of energy and convert it into another form of energy.
Reason For Illegality: Allows user to create any energy, and thus the one that might be able to kill you easily.

Dimensional transportation
- Ability to create wormholes, portation "discs" or other spatial portals for transport between two non-adjacent locations
Reason For Illegality: God Modding.

Electrical transportation
- Ability to travel through electrical conduits (such as power lines or telephone lines). Can enter through devices such as televisions, electrical poles or computers.
Reason For Illegality: God Modding.

Ability to be present anywhere and everywhere always.
Reason For Illegality: God Modding.

Time travel
- Ability to travel back or forth through time.
Reason For Illegality: God Modding.

- Ability to transform into a gaseous, mist, or fog-like form.
Reason For Illegality: God Modding.

Substance Mimicry
- Ability to transform into substance touched.
Reason For Illegality: God Modding.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=accepted apps]


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Character Name: Nashiki Omaragi
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Alinement: In allegiance with herself, as well as some nameless other thieves that aren't important. Come on; the worlds in turmoil, there's super power people either running a muck or destroying things, and that means the money and valuables are all for the taking!
Super Powers: Darkness/Shadow Manipulation, for a thief, there's nothing better!
Appearance: Nashiki has long red hair and crystal blue eyes that are usually hidden by the hood of her robes, in fact the only part of her face that can be usually seen is her mouth and she's usually giving a careless smirk or a lustful smile. Nashiki's robe is all black and covers her body all the way down to her knees; the bottom half of her body is covered by jet black satin pants and just as black satin shoes that have harder soles as they are meant for doing more active tasks. The top portion of her body is covered with a jet black, long-sleeved shirt that covers her arms and up to her neck. All her cloths are died red to hide any blood that may have gotten on her while doing infiltration missions.
[spoiler=Bio:] Nashiki Omaragi was born in a smaller village with her mother and her brother. Nashiki was always brought up to do the right thing but as time went on she began stealing from the shops and villages, her mother quickly put a stop to it; so she thought. At the age of twelve, her brother left their village, him being eighteen at the time. This seemed to stir up Nashiki's behavior and she just stole more and more things; one day she stole from the wrong person. A person that could control the force of fire, he followed her and killed her mother in front of her face and then knocked her out. He lit the place up with flames and left her there to die. She awoke in the forest near her homes, only to see the flames burning out the last few specs of her home life. She looked around and saw the shadows of the tree all focusing at her feet and then going back to the trees...

Ten years later, and it seems that more people like the one she encountered years ago have spawned up and that there seems to be a new conflict arising between them. Nashiki took this as an opportunity to start making her own fortune and gains. She travels all around the world, stealing and gathering riches while the governments of the world are all distracted by the current events of the world. She can tame her powers to make them usable to her for just what she needs; she doesn't need to fight when no one knows she's lurking to begin with.[/spoiler]
Fighting Style: Although she never really has to fight more than the occasional guard or bounty hunter, she prides herself on her hand to hand combat skills. She uses a unique combination of jujitsu, karate, and grappling to subdue her enemies and defeat them.
Other Interesting Facts: Although Nashiki posses a short sword and sever explosives, she has never been seen using them or having to use them.
Sample Post:
Basq was at the event indeed, but didn't really want to be sociable at this time. He sat there, looking carefree like always, and watched the new captain display his zanpakutou. It was than time for them to meet, he came face to face with the new captain, smiled, and shook his hand all while exchanging names with him as is the customary process. Basq went to the back of the crowd and started searching to see if someone else was there but didn't seem to find them, judging by his sigh. Basq's sword began to shake under his captains robes. "Mamori..." He said quietly to his sword and it seemed to have stopped shaking. A hell butterfly landed on Basq's shoulder and delivered it's message, afterward Basq started walking towards the meeting hall. He slid the door open and walked into the hall, taking his spot as the Fourth Squad Captain. "You'll have to excuse my lieutenant, she's feeling ill today and won't be able to attend." Basq explained to Byakuya and then began waiting for the others.

The sample is typical post length for me, I usually do 4-10 line posts accept on the introduction post.

whats your stance on second or even more characters?
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That's what I'm planning on doing. Something nobody has. Or almost nobody has...hmmmm...I think I have an idea...the ability to elementize things. Like set a sword or fire that can set a person on fire or ice and freeze wherever it touches...pretty much anything...even my fist or a pipe...does that sound okay? Or should I try a put more thought into it?
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