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Graphic Designers

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Welcome, one and all, to the SXR Graphic Designers. You need not be a graphical genius, nor need you be experienced to join this club. We welcome you with open arms, provided you follow these rules: [/align]




  1. No Plagiarism. It's illegal, and we won't stand for it.
  2. Don't dispute your ratings without just cause.
  3. Don't come back when you're banned. A ban is a ban, and there is no way around it.
  4. Respect your teachers, your upperclassmen, and your leaders.
  5. Don't spam. You can rate etc., but nothing off topic.




Every so often there will be an event, in addition to SOTW. Watch for prizes and the like.


Sig of the Week #1: Skateboarding.


Sig of the week is a weekly competition where members are challenged to create the highest-quality signature banner (Max Size 500 x 150 px) for the reward of 150 points and (*I don't have the power to be throwing around cash on YCM, and you can't even spend points on here.) 50 EXP. It will start out as a free-for-all, and then be divided by skill levels. The voting will occur in the polls section.




Myself or an appointed Leader/Rater/etc. will score your work of 15, per piece. "Packs" of quickly-done things will be accepted, but they'll be treated as one item, and will only be accepted if they contain at least 50 images. Each individual piece must be complete, and if we sense that it was rushed in an attempt to gain EXP, you will be punished, or it will not be accepted. The right to give lower scores is reserved, but there will be no negatives. You post your images here. This is experience, per se. Just as with Skill Level, all works must be new.


-Skill Level-


Based upon the overall quality of your work, attention to detail, balance, flow, color matching, etc., you will get a skill level, and over time, it may increase. This is not equivalent to your experience level. Old pieces may be used (up to 5) for initial skill level judging. Anything else for ANYTHING, must be NEW.




Because it seems unfair to base solely on skill, and in order to grant the less-skilled population of SXR a chance at some glory, you will increase in Experience for each piece you do. However, to maintain balance, you get graded on quality before you earn points, for a total of up to 15 per piece. You post your images here. This is the rating system, per se. Just as with the Skill Level, all works must be new.




To rank up, you must meet an EXP requirement, and later, a Skill Level requirement. You must meet previous requirements in order to achieve those further down the list.[/align]


  • 25 EXP: Novice Thinker
  • 75 EXP: Greenhorn Thinker
  • 125 EXP: Moderate Thinker
  • 200 EXP: Prestigious Thinker
  • 300 EXP and at least 5 Skill Level: Scratchy Pencilist
  • 400 EXP: Edgy Pencilist
  • 500 EXP: Determined Pencilist
  • 600 EXP: Showy Pencilist
  • 725 EXP and at least 6 Skill Level: Seedling Inker
  • 850 EXP: Monotonous Inker
  • 925 EXP: Quill-Wielding Inker
  • 1050 EXP: Masterful Inker
  • 1200 EXP and at least 7 Skill Level: Beginning Logoman
  • 1350 EXP: Bland Logoman
  • 1500 EXP: Willing Logoman
  • 1650 EXP: Beautiful Logoman
  • 1850 EXP and at least 8 Skill Level: Weak Designer
  • 2050 EXP: Intermediate Designer
  • 2250 EXP: Accomplished Designer
  • 2500 EXP and at least 9 Skill Level: Renowned Designer




These are, for lack of a better analogy, equivalent to the side-quests in games. Complete the requirement, get the bonus. Set a new requirement by awing a judge, get a big bonus. Needless to say, this will be updated.[/align]


  • 50 EXP: Part 1 of my render collection. (Links.)
  • 150 EXP: Part 2 of my render collection. (Files.)
  • 250 EXP and at least 6 Skill Level: Access to the Club Forum Sorry ladies and gents, but because this isn't my site, I can't provide this feature. Instead, you can have a nifty little * or something by your name. We'll see.
  • 350 EXP: Part 3 of my render collection. (Fancies and nicer cuts.)
  • 500 EXP and at least 6.5 Skill Level: My personal "arsenal" of brushes.
  • 750 EXP: A special, extremely fine-tuned signature banner from myself. I guarantee to spend at LEAST 4 hours on it. ;)
  • 1000 EXP: My ultimate font pack, with even more fonts than the one from the Paint.NET tutorial. I think this one has something around 4000 fonts.
  • 1250 EXP: DEAR GOD THE RENDERS! (1404+ Renders of amazing beauty for anything and everything.)
  • Submit 5 Achievement Ideas: Custom Graphic Design Tips.




You'll have to apply to join, and when you have at least 250 Points, you gain access to the club forum (*As stated before, I can't make us a forum on here, like I can on my site.) you get a neat reward. The application is below.[/align]


  • Name
  • Avatar HotLink
  • Mastery
  • Tools of the Trade
  • Examples (Up to 5)




Draco Straybyrn


Mastery: Signature Banners

Tools of the Trade: Adobe Photoshop CS3 Extended, Paint.NET (Rarely).

Example: [x]




Mastery: Abstract Art and Simple Design

Tools of the Trade: Colored Pencil, Watercolor and Charcoal

Skill Level: Yet to be Appraised

EXP: 0, N/A




Mastery: Avatars and Signature Banners

Tools of the Trade: Adobe Photoshop CS3 Extended, Paint.NET (Almost Never), and GIMP 2 (Just to Render)

Example: [x]

Skill Level: 6.3

EXP: 47, Novice Thinker




Mastery: Pokemon Splices

Tools of the Trade: Photoshop CS2 and Microsoft Paint

Example: [x]

Skill Level: 5.8

EXP: 0, N/A




Mastery: Signature Banners

Tools of the Trade: GIMP, Paint.NET and Paint Shop Pro

Example: [x]

Skill Level: 5.2

EXP: 7.1, N/A


Anarchy 07


Mastery: Signature Banners, Avatars, and "Custom Images".

Tools of the Trade: GIMP, Paint.NET and Paint Shop Pro

Example: [x] [x] [x]

Skill Level: 6.4

EXP: 8, N/A




Mastery: Signature Banners and Avatars

Tools of the Trade: MS Paint, CS3, Paper, Pencil, Ink Cartridges

Examples: [x][x][x][x][x]

Skill Level: 7.34

EXP: 381.4, Scratchy Pencilist


Cybernetic Dragon


Mastery: Signature Banners and Avatars.

Tools of the Trade: Photoshop CS and Paint.NET

Examples: [x] [x]

Skill Level: 7.23

EXP: 51.2, Novice Thinker


The Slime Lord


Mastery: Apprentice (Draco Straybyrn)

Tools of the Trade: Picnik and Pencils

Example: [x]

Skill Level: 2.21 (>_>, you'll go up pretty fast. I hope.)

EXP: 0, N/A




Mastery: Signature Banners

Tools of the Trade: Photoshop CS2

Examples: [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]

Skill Level: 8.46

EXP: 90.2, Greenhorn Thinker




Mastery: Signature Banners

Tools of the Trade: GIMP 2 and Photoscape

Example: [x] [x]

Skill Level: 5.32

EXP: 0, N/A





Mastery: Signature Banners

Tools of the Trade: GIMP

Example: [x] [x] [x] [x]

Skill Level: 7.64

EXP: 126.1, Moderate Thinker




Mastery: Signature Banners, Pokemon Splices, and Avatars

Tools of the Trade: Photoshop 5.5, Paint, Serif PhotoPlus, and Photoscape

Example: [X]

Skill Level: 6.71

EXP: 11.1, N/A




Mastery: Banner Sigs, Pokefusions, Yugioh Fusions

Tools of the Trade: Photoshop CS3

Examples: [x] [x] [x]

Skill Level: 7.23

EXP: 17.6, N/A




Mastery: Signature Banners

Tools of the Trade: Paint.NET

Example: [x]

Skill Level: .1 (T-T)

EXP: 0, N/A


Ruby Carbuncle


Mastery: Looking to be Apprentice

Tools of the Trade: GIMP 2

Example: None

Skill Level: .1 (T-T)

EXP: 3, N/A




Mastery: Signature Banners and Pokemon Splices

Tools of the Trade: Adobe Photoshop CS3 Extended, Paint.NET, MS Paint and PhotoScape

Examples: [x] [x]

Skill Level: 6.3

EXP: 33.3, Novice Thinker


Lord Tobi


Mastery: Avatars and Signature Banners

Tools of the Trade: GIMP 2 and Photoshop CS2

Examples: [x] [x]

Skill Level: 6.2

EXP: 10, N/A


JK Rewrite


Mastery: Signature Banners and Avatars

Tools of the Trade: Photoscape and GIMP 2

Examples: [x] [x] [x] [x]

Skill Level: Yet to be Appraised

EXP: 0, N/A




[Note to JK Rewrite: No, it's not a copy, I had TKill okay it.]

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# Name JK Rewrite

# Avatar HotLink




# Mastery Signatures and Avatars

# Tools of the Trade Photoscape and GIMP 2

# Examples








EDIT: I saw that you have a SOTW, and I would really like to have that in my club. If you okay it, I will say that I got the IDEA from you, and I will credit you. But, if I still do it, it does not mean I stole it from you, because if I STOLE it from you, then you had to of stolen it from somebody else, because it has been used plenty of times before.

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Name :Hioco1

Avatar HotLink: http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2008w8n&s=3

Mastery :Holo's Sigs Booster Packs and Trainer cards

Tools of the Trade:Gimp,Paint.net,Paint shop pro

Examples (Up to 5):





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