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Super Dinosaurs


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tyrant dinosaur: 270145.jpg

Once per turn, you can discard one card from your hand to Graveyard to put a Dinosaur Counter on this card. By removing 2 Dinosaur Counter on this card, select one of the following effects and activate it:

- Increase your Life Points by 2000 points.

- Destroy 2 cards on the field.

- Add a Ritual Spell card and a Ritual Monster from your Deck or/and Graveyard to your hand.



burned dinosaur: 270145.jpg


tyrant pet dinosaur: 270145a.jpg

This Monster can only be Ritual Summoned with the Ritual Spell card "The Eye of The Dinosaur". Once per turn, you can Tribute a Monster you control to put 2 Dinosaur Counters on this card. By removing 4 Dinosaur Counters on this card, destroy all cards on the field. If this card is destroyed by its effect, Special Summon one "Dinosaur Token" (Earth/ Dinosaur-Type/ 9 Stars/ ATK ?/ DEF ?/ )to your field. The ATK and DEF of that Token is equal to number of cards on your opponent's hand X 1000.


the eye of the dinosaur: 270145u.jpg

This card is used to Ritual Summon "Tyrant Pet Dinosaur". You must Tribute monsters whose total Levels equal 9 or more from your field or your hand.




the force of the dinosaurs: 270145.jpg

Increase the ATK and DEF of the Equip Monster by 200 points for each Dinosaur-Type Monsters in your Graveyard.



twin heads tyrant dinosaur: 270145.jpg

"Tyrant Dinosaur" + "Tyrant Pet Dinosaur"

This card can attacks all opponent's Monsters on the field. When this card destroys an opponent's Monster and sends it to Graveyard, put a Dinosaur Counter on it, this card gains 300 ATK points for each Dinosaur Counter on the field.

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