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Dark Supreme

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Welcome To My Shop![/align]


Banners - Effects! - 15 Points + 1 rep / 10 Points + 2 reps / 5 Points + 3 reps



Get me the pic (same effects or diffrernet) and ill do it choose dark bright very dark or very bright.


Avatars - 4 Points or 1 rep (Finding The pic myself + 1 Point)



Give me the pic or name of the thing you want in and ill get it(+1pt).


Booster Packs = 5 Points

Example LostKnightBooster.jpg


I just need the pics name of booster and cards per pack!


Sprite Recolour = 3 points or 1 rep




I need the sprite pic what parts you want recloured and what colour


Inverted Pics = 3 Points or 1 rep




Give me the Pic and i will invert


Card Combining = 3 points or 1 rep




Give me the cards and will combine em


Finding Pics = 4 points or 1 rep


tell me what kind of pics you want me to find and ill find them!


Removing the word effect! - 3 Points




Making a Picture link to a place - 1 rep


Making and INVERTED picture link to a place 3 points and 1 rep or 2 reps


Thanks,there are more to come!


Order and ill get to it as soon as possible


Buy 7 items and PM me and ill give you 1 or 2 free items!!

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