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My self-drawn card made by me and only me

Wolfbat Master

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[align=center]Obsidian Rating


(OCG Fix)

If this card is used as a Synchro Material monster, the other Synchro Material monsters must have "Elemental Hero" in their names.



OCG - 1/2

Picture - 2/2

Usefulness - 1/2

Balance - 1/2


Total - 5/8

Grade - B-



Level 4 Tuners are always welco--wait.....an Elemental Hero Tuner? Son of a.....


Your OCG needs a little touch up. You know, putting Capital Letters where they need to be and stuff. Lucky for you, I am the (Newly Obelisk Blue) OCG teacher for the Duel Academia. The first semester is over and we need new students. Feel free to apply. Of course, even if you choose not to, you can send me a PM to ask for help. I'll be there.


The picture is very nice considering it's self drawn. It's nice to see people that actually take the time to draw their pics instead of just stealing a pic from DA or using GIMP ot Photoshop to alter one. Of course, I'm guilty of that. However, in my defense...I don't own a scanner :/


As said above....Level 4 Tuners are always welcome...but an E-Hero Tuner? Urgh.....um......Not as useful as it should be. This monster requires that it be run in a deck that mains E-heroes.....and we all know those decks don't last long in Tourny play. However, E-heroes do have a tendency to Special Summon fast. Maybe consider adding an extra ability to make the monster more worth using? Maybe adding an ATK bonus to the monster it Synchros into?


Overall, nice job. I hope to see more. I also hope you really do consider joining the academia (Click the banner in my signature).[/align]

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