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Terryer (TRYR) Pack Set, unfinished


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These are my cards, they are yet to be completed, I haven't talked to many of the artists for these cards so I can't use many of them, however 12 cards have been completed, only 6 of them may be shown. The Characters depicted in these cards are the work of My friends Josh, Kyle and Myself, none of these cards have any infringement.


Gozark, Terrier, and The Electromagnetic Spiked Gloves were done by me. (I Know the art is bad, it was drawn on paint for god sakes...) Blank card was just a no picture card, so I thought I'd use the concept (Watch Yu-Gi-Oh, you will know where I got the Idea ;) ). Dante and Rowan Nightbane were done by my friends Kyle and Josh. They allowed me to use the artwork.



Lore: Remove one card on your opponents side of the field from play. If you have more cards in your hand than your opponent at the end of any of your turns, return this card to play into your hand. This card requires that to activate it, you must sacrifice all monsters on your side of the field. (Min: 1)


Lore: This model of good and evil is the reason we have night and day. His brother Rowan is known to pester him about his allegiance.


Lore: Equip only to "The Terrible Terrier" This card activates "The Terrible Terrier"'s effect. Increase the ATK of "The Terrible Terrier" by 200.


Lore: Equip only to "The Terrible Terrier". This card activates "The Terrible Terrier"'s effect. This card otherwise has no effect on the monster.


Lore: Whenever "Dante Nightbane" is on the field, Rowan Nightbane loses 700 ATK and can attack directly, afterwards discard a card.


Lore: Whenever "Dante Nightbane", "Rowan Nightbane", or any other card that can only designate The Terrible Terrier as a target is on the field, increase the ATK of this monster by 500 and decrease DEF by 200.

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Let me be the first to comment on your cards. Some of the cards like "The Man..." doesn’t belong in the realistic card file. Also you want to try and have all the pix in a selection match in some way.

The man is in my Signature, it's not meant to be in this section. Otherwise all the cards do match in some way, although the pictures don't.

The art on The Terrible Terrier, Electromagnetic Spiked Gloves and Gozark is really bad because it was made in MS Paint, a very basic drawing program. The other two, Roan and Dante were drawn by my friends Josh and Kyle. They have different artstyles, therefore different work.

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