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"Test Your Music Knowledge!" Videogame Edition


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Hey guys, long time no see. I had an idea the other day that might prove interesting, and the forum I go to currently probably wouldn't pay much attention to it - so I remembered YCM and its Music section.


Here's how it works: Below is a link (two, actually) to a music file I created by selecting approximately 7 seconds of 12 different songs. The goal of this game is for you guys to name the titles of as many songs as you can.


This edition in particular is about Videogame Music - from a variety of consoles and genres.


How to play:


Either check the Youtube link below or, in case they decide to mute/remove the video because of their adorable copyright policy, you can download the audio file - it's only a minute and a half long, so it'll be pretty fast to download. ;)


Then, PM me your answers as in the following example:

"1 - Final Fantasy VII - One Winged Angel

2 - Dragon Quest VIII - Overture

3 - ..."

The order being, obviously, that which you hear in the file - the changes between songs are evident enough so you'll know a different track started playing. If you don't know a song, skip that one, or type, for example, "3 - blank" in the PM with your answers.




- If you don't know a song's title, it's alright to mention only the game it's from and, if you know, when in that game the song is played. This is because most of the times, the composers get a little too creative with the titles of their tracks, to the point where memory alone won't help us figure out the songs' names. ;)


- HOWEVER, if 3 or more answers consist only of "it's from game X", without giving the title or any other information about the song (view rule above), I will subtract 1 from your total score.


- Your answers must be sent by PM.



The contest ends on May 17th.


Prizes by number of correct guesses:


All 12: 6 reps (awarded on consecutive days due to the maximum daily rep restriction) + 300 points

11: 5 reps (awarded on consecutive days due to the maximum daily rep restriction)

7-10: 3 reps + 200 points

4-6: 2 reps + 100 points

1-3: 1 rep


The links:


Youtube - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pjf-IpOZ3kA&eurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fmy_videos_edit&feature=player_embedded


Download Audio - http://www.megaupload.com/?d=3F8OK1DR




Any questions, suggestions, comments, or rules you spot that are in dire need of changes, or pretty much anything else, feel free to post here! :)

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Yay he's back!=D For a while I think.


't is a good idea master. I don't know crap about videogames but hell.;)

I just had to remove the download link (mods team agreed on that point) and since the Youtube link works no one needs it.


Well I'm going to send you my guesses later. Actually the only one I know is the first one but I do't remember the name of he game so I'll have to look that up. LOLfail.;)

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