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Dark Spider-Set


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As long this Card remains face up on your side of the Field, you can summon one "Dark Spider"-Token (Dark/Level 2/Insect/Atk 250/Def 0) on your side of Field, during your Endphase. Each "Dark Spider"-Token can be offered as Tribute for Spell-Cards, Trap-Cards or Summons.


You can only activate this card, if at least two "Dark Spider"-Tokens are placed on your side of the field.

Destroy all "Dark Spider"-Tokens on the field. Your Opponent loses 200 Lifepoints for each destructet "Dark Spider"-Token.

If the losed Lifepoints are lower then 1000 points, put this card into your deck and shuffle your deck afterward.



You can only activate this card, if "Dark Broodmother" remains face up on your side of the field.

Discard one Card from your hand at your Standby-Phase, to place one "Dark Spider"-Token (Dark/Level 2/Insect/Atk 250/Def 0) on your side of the field.

"Dark Spider"-Tokens can be offered as Tribute for Spell-Cards, Trap-Cards and Summons.

If "Dark Broodmother" is send to the Graveyard as result of a battle or Card-Effect, destroy this card and send it to the graveyard.



Destroy all "Dark Spider"-Tokens on your side of the field and increase your Lifepoints by 250 for each destroyed "Dark Spider"-Token.


This are my "Dark Spider"-Cards, my first project on this side.

The idea of the "Dark Spider"-Cards is not difficult to understand:

A Monster-Card, which calls tokens, which you need for some Spell-Cards. (And for everyone who want to ask WHY "Dark Spider-Flooding" has this line about "lower then 1000 Lifepoints": If this card would be real, and both players use "Dark Spider"-Cards, they would flood each other away, so the match wouldn't be very long)

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