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Those that rival any power in the palm of your hand!


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Some of you may recognize the characters used in the pictures, but you better be a fan of the series if your going to do so.




I know some of them may be a little OP, but I'm always open for suggestions. Some of the best cards out there require more then 1 mind, ya know?

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Heh, I remember the pics of the "Zodiac" monsters - they are from that genderswapped Saint Seiya characters chart, right? :)


But now onto comments and opinions:

First of all, don't make up Types. Instead of "Celestial", use an existing Type.

Zodiac Aries: Quite good, seems balanced. Instead of "gain attack", you should use "increase the ATK"

Zodiac Taurus: DEF is not as used as ATK usually, but not bad.

Zodiac Gemini and Zodiac Cancer: Stand-by Phase is written as Standby Phase. They seem like the "Zodiac" equivalent of White Magician Pikeru and Ebon Magician Curran, but more durable.

Zodiac Leo and Zodiac Virgo: Hmm... interesting effects, they seem balanced. I believe "from this effect" would be better as "by this effect" They may have some combo potential with draw-related card effects.

Zodiac Libra: Wow... that's unusal... a side-changing monster who cannot attack. I wonder how to use this monster the best.

Zodiac Scorpio: Seems like a decent support for "Zodiac" monsters.

Zodiac Sagittarius: Again, with removed from play effects, a decent support.

Zodiac Capricorn: Kinda underpowered. The second effect is not needed, in my opinion.

Zodiac Aquarius: A flexible Tuner monster, nice! Maybe the Life Point cost is a bit high, I can't really judge...

Zodiac Pisces: Well, the problem is with that "Celestial" part... maybe change it somehow as it refers to a Synchro monster which requires a "Zodiac" Tuner.


Spiral Galaxy: Seems like a good, balanced support with a remove from play thematics.

Super Nova: An interesting way to keep your opponent under pressure with its Effect Damage.

Tian Lang Xing and Chi Huo Long: Powerful enough monsters with an effect which supports well with the other remove from play effects.

Nao Huo Zhi: Either to support the remove from play effects of other cards or to get rid of your opponents' annoying cards.

Lao Shu Xi: Simple, but can work.

Liang Tou She: With that amount of ATK and effect, it may be a bit overpowered...

Yao Tun Zhu: Except the two Tuner "Zodiac" monsters, all are Level 4. That way it seems impossible to summon it - except by Quantum Flux (any non-Tuner Zodiacs + any of the Tuner Zodiacs > 4 Levels. Change its Level to 5, maybe?


Aether Temple: Some Life Point gain is always helpful ^^

Quantum Flux: Hard to judge, it may be either a useful, balanced support for Synchros or a card with a potential to be overpowered...

Clotho, Spinner of the Thread: Seems a bit gimmicky, but has its uses, especially with these cards.

Lachesis, Weaver of the Thread: The Celestial-Type problem again... some rewording would be needed because of that

Atropos, Cutter of the Thread: You forgot to capitalize Deck. Anyway, with its requirements to activate, it may be a bit slow to be useful.

Paradox, Ruler of Chaos: Seems a bit hard to use , especially with that returning back to Extra Deck.


In total, I give a 7.5/10, considering the errors and possible problems I mentioned.

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Heh' date=' I remember the pics of the "Zodiac" monsters - they are from that genderswapped Saint Seiya characters chart, right? :)


But now onto comments and opinions:

First of all, don't make up Types. Instead of "Celestial", use an existing Type.

Zodiac Aries: Quite good, seems balanced. Instead of "gain attack", you should use "increase the ATK"

Zodiac Taurus: DEF is not as used as ATK usually, but not bad.

Zodiac Gemini and Zodiac Cancer: Stand-by Phase is written as Standby Phase. They seem like the "Zodiac" equivalent of White Magician Pikeru and Ebon Magician Curran, but more durable.

Zodiac Leo and Zodiac Virgo: Hmm... interesting effects, they seem balanced. I believe "from this effect" would be better as "by this effect" They may have some combo potential with draw-related card effects.

Zodiac Libra: Wow... that's unusal... a side-changing monster who cannot attack. I wonder how to use this monster the best.

Zodiac Scorpio: Seems like a decent support for "Zodiac" monsters.

Zodiac Sagittarius: Again, with removed from play effects, a decent support.

Zodiac Capricorn: Kinda underpowered. The second effect is not needed, in my opinion.

Zodiac Aquarius: A flexible Tuner monster, nice! Maybe the Life Point cost is a bit high, I can't really judge...

Zodiac Pisces: Well, the problem is with that "Celestial" part... maybe change it somehow as it refers to a Synchro monster which requires a "Zodiac" Tuner.


I'll check the other cards later, but so far, I give it 7.5/10 because of the Celestial deal and some errors I mentioned.



Thank you for recognizing SS. I decided to make them Warrior type. Kinda fearful of that, but I'm not one to judge. Libra's effect is just a card keyword used in a WotC TCG. Capricorn my be a lil UP, but you also have to look at Aeris effect on her. As for Aquarius, she is mainly used for the uneven level Synchro support.

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