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Never mind, I'm staying

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Thanks creator93 for replying but me and my dad had a bet. He bet that out of five people here, 3 of them would be 10 or under. If I won, I can stay here, and get $5. If he won, he would block the site and get $5.


He randomly clicked on some authors of threads and clicked on static, Death12328, themonkeyman7000, Sartorius, and Collectible (I don't remember in which order though, but I checked my history to find out who). Since only Death12328 and Sartorius had an age, he clicked on some more. He clicked on Frunk and then KA Flame. Even if static, themonkeyman7000, Collectible, and Frunk are less than ten, I still won the bet! Thank you eveybody that I mentioned, although I don't know some of you and you guys didn't really purposly help me! :D


So I guess I'm staying here. Sorry for the false alarm, but it's always good to have some back up.

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