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LoZ exodia sub test (medallions)

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i need a honest opinion on how i can improve these medallion cards

ocg errors,ratings,anything!!!!

yes some pics are blurry


here they are!!!!

first up the Hot Fire medallion!!!


(effect)you may place this card face up in your spell or trap card zone and treat it as a continous spell card when sumoned to the field this card canot be distroyed in battle when face up on the field all fire monsters gain 300 atack and defence when this card is distroyed by a spell or trap card halve your opponents life points


next is the cool Water medallion!!!


(effect)you may place this card face up in your spell or trap card zone and treat it as a continous spell card when sumoned to the field this card canot be distroyed in battle when face up on the field all water monsters gain 300 atack annd defence when this card is distroyed by a spell or trap card double your life points


heres the the solid Earth medallion!!!


(effect)you may place this card face up in your spell or trap card zone and treat it as a continous spell card when sumoned to the field this card canot be distroyed in battle when face up on the field all Earth monsters gain 300 atack and defence when this card is distroyed by a spell or trap card all monsters on the field when this card is all monsters on the field change battle positions and all face down monsters are fliped face up


This Wind medallion will blow you away!!!


(effect)you may place this card face up in your spell or trap card zone and treat it as a continous spell card when sumoned to the field this card canot be distroyed in battle when face up on the field all Wind monsters gain 300 atack and defence when this card is distroyed by a spell or trap card retun all cards from the field graveyards out of play and hand to the respective owners decks shuffle then both players draw five cards


heres a shady one the shadow medallion!!!


(effect)you may place this card face up in your spell or trap card zone and treat it as a continous spell card when sumoned to the field this card canot be distroyed in battle when face up on the field all dark monsters gain 300 atack and defence when this card is distroyed by a spell or trap card disrroy all face down cards


and the shining star the Light medallion!!!


(effect)you may place this card face up in your spell or trap card zone and treat it as a continous spell card when sumoned to the field this card canot be distroyed in battle when face up on the field all light monsters gain 300 atack and defence when this card is distroyed by a spell or trap card distroy all face up cards


and last but not least the final monster The gods medallion!!!!!


(effect(Earth medallion+Wind medallion+Water medallion+ Fire medallion+ Light medallion+ Shadow medallion) You may only fusion sumon this monster by removing the specified monsters from play via field or graveyard.

the atack of this monster is equal to to how many cards are in your deck X 100 and the def is equal to how many cards are in the graveyard X 100. you may place this card face up in your spell or trap card zone and treat it as a continous spell card. when sumoned to the field this card canot be distroyed in battle. when face up on the field all cards exluding this monster are sent to their owners decks. when this card is distroyed by a spell or trap card flip a coin. if you call it right you win the game! if you call it wrong you lose the game.


and i even have a support spell card



anyway these cards might be overpowered..

but please give at lest one good coment.

thats all i ask



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I kinda like the pictures, even if they are fuzzy, they remind me of a game. I just can't figure it out.

The OCG is horrible compared to mind (which is bad)

You didn't take much time into the cards, a lot of spelling errors.


Oh and you misspelled Fairy on "Light Medallion"



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