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My first 7 cards


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You need to cut down the overpowerness in cards. Especially Phoenix. I know what do you mean by "a phoenix can't die" but when I was a starter I made a Phoenix card with a better effect.. when it was destroyed by battle it summoned a Phoenix Egg token with 100/100 ATK and DEF, and in your next turn if it's still on the field you can destroy the token to return back the card. Less powered, huh? :) I got the tip from Age of Mythology. :P


You also need to improve your CG (Card Grammar). Look at the cards Konami made and use the same method they write in. That's easy to master.


Another reason why you got 4/10 would be bad images. Yes, well first 3 are badly rendered (agreed with Kaitos) and the rest have bad quality. Especially Ancient Sundial.


For a newbie, your highest rate for these cards would be 7/10. Though you got to improve.

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