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Game Review: Oh Lawd! Man0waR's TF2 REVIEW!!


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Name- Manowar

Game- Team Fortress 2

System- PC, 360, (watever ps3...)

Online- of course

rating- M!


Story- There isnt one xD


Gameplay- Well, this game demands alot from your comp but the gameplay is solid and sticks to games like: DoD:S or HL2:DM. So if you've played these, you'll feel right at home. Now, there are 9 classes. Varying from Scout (being the most agile character, but with the weakest health and weapons.) to the Heavy (slowest but most powerful.) it really forces you to think ahead and strategize which keeps the action fun and intense. The game also records your battle "stats?" which helps you keep track of your awesomeness.


Now, the only bad thing about this game dosent really have anything to do with the game itself as itdoes with all valve games. And that is when people download mods or adding maps. It forces you to download all of it. And it can take an awful long time to join a game if the host was retarded enough to add a crapload of stuff to the server.


Graphics- I can't say much. The unique art style is absolutely insanne.


Overall- 9.5 If valve didn't have the crappy server lobby, and ppl wouldn't add a bunch of sheet to the servers it oils be flawless.

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