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The Five Brothers


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Brother Lao


ATK: 1800

DEF: 1600

TYPE: Spellcaster/Effect

Level: 4

Attribute: EARTH


Effect: Only one "Brother Lao" can exist on your side of the field at a time. This card gains the following effects when the following cards are face-up on your side of the field:

"Brother Michael": Increase this card's ATK by 500 points

"Brother Para": Increase this card's DEF by 800 points

"Brother John": When this card attacks an opponen't monster with a DEF that is lower than the ATK of this card, your opponent losses life points equal to the difference.

"Brother Raul": Control of this card cannot switch.



Brother Michael


ATK: 1700

DEF: 1300

Type: Spellcaster/Effect

Level: 4

Attribute: EARTH


Effect: Only one "Brother Michael" can exist on your side of the field at a time. This card gains the following effects when the following cards are face-up on your side of the field:

"Brother Lao": The DEF of this card is doubled.

"Brother Para": This card cannot be removed from play.

"Brother John": Increase the ATK of this card by 300 points

"Brother Raul": Control of this card cannot switch



Brother Para


ATK: 1500

DEF: 1500

Type: Spellcaster/Effect

Level: 4

Attribute: EARTH


Effect: Only one "Brother Para" can exist on your side of the field at a time. This card gains the following effects when the following cards on face-up on your side of the field:

"Brother Lao": This card can be special summoned from your hand.

"Brother John": This card can attack twice during the same battle phase.

"Brother Michael": When this card inflicts battle damage to your opponen't life points, draw one card from your deck.

"Brother Raul": This card is unaffected by your opponent's normal trap cards.



Brother John


ATK: 1400

DEF: 1800

Type: Spellcaster/Effect

Level: 4

Attribute: EARTH


Effect: Only one "Brother John" can exist one your side of the field at a time. This card gains the following effects when the following cards are face-up one your side of the field:


"Brother Lao": This card can attack your opponent's life points directly.

"Brother Michael": This card is unaffected by your opponent's spell cards.

"Brother Para": Once per turn, you can change the battle position of this card.

"Brother Raul: You can look at your opponent's hand.



Brother Raul


ATK: 800

DEF: 800

Type: Spellcaster/Effect

Level: 3

Attribute: EARTH


Effect: Only one "Brother Raul" can exist on your side of the field at a time. This card gains the following effects when these cards are face-up on your side of the field:


"Brother Lao": Control of this card cannot switch

"Brother Michael": This card cannot be destroyed by battle(damage calculation is still applied).

"Brother Para": Increase the ATK and DEF of all face-up monsters on your side of the field whose card name begins with "Brother" by 200 points.

"Brother John": Once per turn, you can change the battle position of one face-up monster on your opponent's side of the field.



Judgment of the Brotherhood


Type: Normal spell card


Effect: This card can only be activated if "Brother Lao", "Brother Para", "Brother Michael", "Brother John", and "Brother Raul" are all face-up on your side of the field. Destroy all cards on your oponnent's side of the field. You must skip your battle phase for the turn in which this card is activated.


Which brother do you like best?

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