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My Friend's Random Assortment


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All these cards my friend made and all are his ideas. I did help though with wording. He's too lazy to get his own account or anything. I'm posting them for him, he would love your comments suggestions or whatever. I feel the need I should explain each one since a few might be confusing.





This is Captain Planet. I myself have never actually watched the show, but he has, and loves to make jokes about it and say how bad it is (he has sleeping problems and there isn't anything else on at night).




This is Hong Kong Phooey. He has to be one of the best super heroes of all time (you can't beat a dog who knows Karate and fights crime). He made him a lot like the card "Karate Man".




now this is Jigglypuff. It's name is derived from what he calls it while we are playing Melee. Its effect is based off of the fact when he starts using rollout, everyone else goes defensive and scrambles around (he is too good with the puff ball >_<)




Him and I both agree, the Wonder Pets are pure evil. I watched and episode once. The whole time they sang as they tried to save people, but the mass of scientifically impossibilities scared the hell out of me (they fly around the world on a jet, and can transport mud through phone lines). Well my friend one day came up to me and asked if I've ever seen the wonder pets. He explains how the episode he saw they were getting a unicorn unctuck from a tree (that is just plain wtf in itself). As they were doing it though, they sung "Unscrew the Unicorn!". How the bajeebus do you do that?!? So yeah, he made this card because they are evil.




The first card he made. Based off the ever so popular and wonderful game (sarcasm!) Legend of Zelda, Wand of Gamalon, for the Philips CD-i. He made this card as a joke against the game. He finds the seen where Ganon shouts "You must die!" and shoots lightning from his hands to be the only good thing to come from the game.



Well those are the cards. I am going to rate them myselves, but I'm too lazy right now.

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Ok, time for me to rate. Captain Planet is hard for me to call. I've never played a deck that requires to have that many attributes. The effect though I find is pretty balenced as far as I can see. Although can't be destroyed by traps and magics, it can still be effected by them, and returning to hand and remove from play and monster effects can still work. It isn't overly powerful in attack either. The whole beast and beast warrior summoning I don't see a problem, but I'm not an expert on beasts. I'll give it a 6/10, nice card, but I don't play around that kind of strategy and dependency.


Hong Kong Phooey. I love Karate man (I call him Afro Man). A fun 1000 attack monster that could become a 2000 instantly. Well Hong Kong Phooey takes what I loved about Karate Man and made it a load better. The 1200 is very nice doubling to 2400 (2000 isn't quite enough in the current way of play). I don't find it cheap, I like the theme, and I would play this card. I give it a 10/10, but might be slightly bias since I loved the card its based off.


Puff Daddy. I like it's effect, but I have never been a fan of two sack monsters. Also turning my enemies monster to defense mode isn't quite ideal if I'm using a monster that has a lot of attack. Even though I could combo it with my own cards (re flipping something like penguin soldier couldn't hurt me) I still don't like its cost for an effect that isn't ideal. I am going to have to give it a 5/10, it has good stats and everything, but I don't like the effect.


Wonder Pets. Well I hate the wonder pets, and this monster is them, so I hate the card. Now on a unbiased stand point, this card is still useless, it's underpowered. As a joke card, it is nice, hard to grade as a joke card though too. So I guess I'll skip on a score since its in a weird category.


You Must Die! Well as a real card, it is a 0/10, no reason to play (well he was thinking there might be some way for a person to get the card into the opponents deck or hand, if there is, then it has some use). As a joke card, it made me laugh. Knowing about the game itself, I find it hilarious. It's effect really represents how crappy the games were. I give it a 9/10 on the joke card scale.


Well I graded them, he would really appreciate if you all did.

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