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  • 3 months later...
Guest Star

Episode 5: Hour of Destruction


There wasn’t an area to hide. If Ayaro had somehow survived, he could attack Kakashi, and there wouldn’t be anything Kakashi could do about it. However, if he could get out of the area before Ayaro regained consciousness, he might be safe. What he had to do was find Lee. It was sort of his fault for letting the situation get out of hand.


*3 weeks ago*


“Kakashi, I must find someone to do this mission. If you will not assign a ninja, then I will find one myself and convince that ninja to do this. I respect you, but this mission is more important than respect.”


Kakashi looked at the ninja. They were both staring at each other. The tension was at an immense level. Kakashi couldn’t allow a Genin ninja to go on this mission, but he didn’t know if he would have a choice.


“Look, I understand what you are saying, but I can’t allow a Genin ninja to go on this mission. It is too risky. Now, please leave the village. You can find a ninja somewhere else.”


The ninja moved his hands, and a shuriken made of what looked like water and chakra appeared in his hands.


“Spinning Rain Shuriken!”




Kakashi moved out of the way just in time. One second later and he would have been cut open by the Rain Shuriken. Kakashi had expected the ninja to attack. He didn’t want to fight, but this ninja was giving him no choice. Should he end it quickly?


*Screw it! I’m going to end this fight before it’s too late!*


Kakashi made two hand signs, and pressed his hands together. Soon, a ball of lightning appeared in Kakashi’s hand.


“Ninja Art: Lightning Blade!”


The Lightning Blade hit the ninja, and he went flying back. The ninja landed on the ground. Kakashi didn’t think the ninja was alive. The Lightning Blade had probably killed him. There wasn’t time to worry about this now. Kakashi had to warn the Hokage that he was attacked. Although Kakashi had expected it, an ally ninja shouldn’t be attacking his or her allies.


“That’s the end of you, Ayora Siyoro.”


*Back to Kakashi in the forest*


He thought Ayora was dead. The attack in the forest was very surprising. Kakashi was surprised that Ayora was alive. Did he finish him with the exploding tag, or was he going to try and attack Kakashi again? Sitting around worrying wasn’t going to help. He had to find Lee, and put an end to the mission before it began.


Kakashi started running. If Lee had already left, this could be the end of him. What to do? That was the question.

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Well, I'm not really a fan of Naruto, so I guess I'll review the writing aspect of it rather than the topic.


Overall, very well-written. No mistakes that I saw, easy distinction between action, dialog, and thoughts, and a well-defined plot with corresponding events. Very well done :)


Rating - 11.55/11.69 ^_^ (2.00 less than my usual score because I didn't want to penalize you since it's my personal opinion about Naruto)

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No. No no no. First. Kakashi apperantly killed someone, and then they came back? No.


~2~Music= No. It is not fighting music. It's more like 'I will always protect you.' Stuff. So, no.


~3~ Lee? Sakura freak, tae-kwon-do freak Lee? Kill him off. Now.


~4~ Very original, however. The first Fan Fiction with music [however horrid it may be] that I have seen, and enjoyed....To an extent.




Music 2/4

Storyline 4/6

Originality 2/2...Gotta hand it to you, Star/ Remix guy.


Total: 8/12=4/6=2/3=66%=D Grade. Sorry, but it wasn't to my liking, especially the length of the story, and the description, as well as the suddenness. And crap characters.



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Guest Star

Episode 6: Destruction of the Scroll!


Naruto was on the ground. Shikmaru couldn't tell what kind of condition Naruto was in. The Rain Shuriken might have done some serious damage, and if that was true, Naruto could be in a lot of danger. There were no medical ninja in the area, and Shikamaru, Sasuke, and Iruka didn't have anything with them that could help Naruto. The Rain Ninja Leader was not moving. Shikamaru figured that the Rain Ninja Leader was dead. There was no way that he would have survived a direct hit from the Rasengan.


"Shikamaru, what's wrong?"


Sasuke was standing next to Shikamaru. He didn't want to worry Sasuke, but he didn't have much of a choice. Iruka, Naruto, and the Rain Ninja Leader were all on the ground. Were any of them alive? This mission was too dangerous for Naruto and Sasuke to go on, and Tsunade should have known that.


"There's a possibility that Naruto could be severly hurt."

"What makes you say that?"

"He hasn't move since the hit the ground. He's either dead, or close to it."

"What can we do about it?"

"That's the problem. There's nothing we can do about it."


There was a look of fear in Sasuke's eyes. This wouldn't be a problem if there was a medical ninja in the area, but there wasn't. Naruto would have to fight to survive.


"You see, Sasuke, when Naruto got hit by the Rain Shuriken, he lost a lot of chakra. When he used the Rasengan, he probably used the rest of his chakra."

"So, you're saying that Naruto basically put his life on the line so we could survive?"

"It looks that way."

"Well, if he is dead, we can't let his sacrifice be for nothing! We have to find that scroll, and possibly some medical ninja to help him and Iruka!"

"What's your plan?"




"I don't need a plan! We need to find that scroll soon! Let's charge in and attack! We don't have time for a battle strategy!"

"There's no way we can get the scroll without a battle strategy. I understand what you're saying, but we need to think of a way to get the scroll without having to fight any ninja."

"You can think of a plan, but I'm going to get that scroll!"

"*I don't like this idea, but he's probably right.*"


Sasuke and Shikmaru jumped into the air, and started leaping from tree to tree. They had to find the scroll. Naruto, Iruka, and the Rain Ninja Leader were still on the ground. They weren't moving at all.


The Rain Ninja began to sit up. He was alive, and that wasn't a good thing. He moved slowly, but he managed to stand up.


"*That loser is strong, but he couldn't kill me. Now, I'm going to kill him and those other two.*"


He looked around, and noticed that Sasuke and Shikmaru weren't there. He also noticed that Naruto and Iruka were on the ground.


"*It looks like the loser is already dead. He died trying to kill me. Sometimes I'm suprised at my own strength. I'm just going to make sure he is dead.*"


He made two hand signs.


"Rain Shuriken!"


All of the sudden, a shuriken made of rain shot out of his hands, and headed toward Naruto. If he wasn't dead yet, he would be in two seconds. The speed of the shuriken was incredible.


Background 2


There was nothing Naruto could do about it. If he did manage to function (provided that he wasn't dead), he would have no time to block the Shuriken. This really was the end of Naruto Uzumaki.


The shuriken finally hit. The problem for the Rain Ninja Leader was that it didn't hit Naruto. As the shuriken was going to hit Naruto, it was surrounded by a shadow, and it hit a tree.


"*What happened?*"


The Rain Ninja Leader was angry. He didn't know what happened. There was no one around, so there was no way that anyone could have stopped his shuriken.


Sasuke jumped down from a tree that was near the Rain Ninja Leader.


"You're awake so soon?"


Sasuke smiled as he spoke, and he stared at the Leader.


"I don't understand. I heard you talking. You left because you thought I was dead. Why would you still be in the area?"


"You're wrong."


Background 3


"I'm not stupid. Shikamaru realized that you weren't killed by the Rasengan. We said that we were leaving to see what you would do, and you fell into our trap. We were standing in the tree that I jumped out of. When your shuriken was going to hit Naruto, Shikamaru used his Shadow Possesion Jutsu to take control of the shuriken, and move it so it wouldn't hit Naruto."


"How could he take control of an object with the Shadow Possesion Jutsu?"


"Shikamaru is only a chunin, but he's a strong chunin, and a smart chunin. We knew you would try to attack Naruto. Now, I'd like to end this battle."


Sasuke took a shuriken out of his weapon bag and threw it at the Rain Ninja Leader.


"You can't defeat me with a shuriken!"

"You're correct, but I can defeat you with a shuriken that has five paper bombs on it."


The shuriken hit the Rain Ninja Leader, and exploded. The Rain Ninja Leader landed on the ground, and Sasuke looked at Naruto.


"*Don't worry Naruto, I will make sure you don't die.*"

"Alright Shikamaru, you can stop the Shadow Barrier Jutsu now."


Shikamaru jumped down from the tree. The explosion from the paper bombs didn't hit Naruto, Iruka, Sasuke, or Shikamaru because of the Shadow Barrier Jutsu.


Next Time: "Sasuke, you take Naruto, I will take Iruka. Let's try not to get into anymore fights. The scroll shouldn't be far from here!"


Next Episode: The Third and Final Showdown!

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  • 3 months later...

[align=center]Episode 7: The Third and Final Battle!


Although it would have been wise to inform Tsunade of Ayora’s attack, he had no time to waste. He had to find Lee, and quick. He leapt quickly from tree to tree, trying to make as little noise as possible to avoid being heard. If he were to engage in another battle, there would be no way for him to reach Lee in time.


An image of Ayora flashed in his mind. The man he had once considered a friend had now become one of his most powerful enemies. Normally, the attack that Kakashi hit Ayora with would have killed someone, but Ayora wasn’t a normal person. He was a very powerful ninja and Kakashi had a feeling that he was still alive. Kakashi didn’t think he would be able to defeat Ayora again; he had used up too much energy.


“I’ve got to get to Lee!”


He continued to leap through the trees until he neared a clearing. There was a large valley with a small lake in the middle of it. Just like he had expected, Lee was standing on one side of the lake, and there was a ninja from the Village Hidden in the Rain standing on the other side. The ninja had short black hair and he was holding a shuriken.


“What in the world is going on over there?”


Suddenly, the ninja threw the shuriken. It flew toward Lee with intense speed. Although he was able to dodge the attack just in time, Lee was unable to avoid the three kunai that the ninja had thrown immediately after throwing the shuriken.


While they didn’t inflict serious damage, the kunai slashed Lee and he fell to the ground. The ninja took another kunai out of his pocket and threw it at Lee. Even if Kakashi went his fastest, there was no way he could get there in time to protect Lee from the kunai.






Suddenly, a tall figure appeared in front of Lee, and surrounded by a barrier of energy, he blocked the kunai and sent it flying into the lake.


“Neji? How did he know that Lee would be here?”


As the barrier faded, the figure was revealed to be Neji Hyyuga, one of the most intelligent genin in the Leaf Village. The ninja stared angrily at Neji.


“Who are you kid? This has nothing to do with you! Get out of my way or I’ll kill you as well!”


“Is there an Option B?”




“I said, is there an Option B? What that means is, I’m not going to get out of your way, so I thought there might be something else I can do instead.”


“You think you’re funny?! I’ll show you!”


The ninja pulled two shuriken out of his pocket and threw them at Neji, who proceeded to dodge them.


“Is that the best you can do?”


The ninja grinned, and moved his hands in multiple directions, making hand signs.


“Not at all. Ninja Art: Rain Shuriken!”


The ninja’s chakra took the form of a shuriken, and he separated his hands, causing the rain shuriken to fly toward Neji.


“Try dodging that kid; this shuriken won’t stop until it hits its target.”




Kakashi looked down at the valley. It would be a long jump, and there was the possibility that he could get injured from it, but he had to get down there and help Neji out. He took a shuriken out of his pocket, and leapt off the tree into the valley.


The ninja saw Kakashi jump off of the tree, and prepared to defend himself.


“Heh. If it isn’t Kakashi Hatake.”


The ninja shifted his stare toward Kakashi.


“Now’s my chance!”


There was no way to avoid the shuriken, but he could easily attack it. He leapt in the air and smashed his hand into the shuriken. The shuriken vanished. The ninja turned his head in shock.


“What the?!”


It was impossible for the ninja to watch Kakashi and Neji at once, and since the ninja was looking at Neji, Kakashi had the chance to strike.


“I don’t understand! You should have been hit by my shuriken!”


“You see, thanks to my Gentle Fist, objects made out of chakra have no effect on me. I can easily hit the object and it will be destroyed because my Gentle Fist goes through the chakra. Now then, good bye.”


“What do you mean good bye?”


The ninja turned and saw Kakashi right next to him, holding a shuriken.




Suddenly, Lee managed to sit up. Neji turned toward Lee.


“Why would he stop? This guy tried to kill you!”


“You don’t understand. Although he tried to kill me, it was for a good reason. I must leave the Village Hidden in the Leaves.”


Neji stared angrily at Lee.


“Why?! You don’t realize..!”


Kakashi interrupted him.


“Quiet Neji. Let Lee speak.”


Neji nodded hesitantly.


“I am sorry, but I cannot discuss this with you. All I’m saying is that I must leave.”


“If you leave you’ll become a rogue ninja!”


“I’m willing to accept that. There is a good reason, but I cannot tell you why.”


Lee stood up slowly, and walked past Neji.


“Goodbye my friend.”


Next Episode Preview


“Kakashi, are you just going to let him leave?!”


“There’s nothing we can do about it; he has made his choice.”


“I’m not going to stand here and do nothing about it!”


“Neji wait…!”[/align]

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[align=center]Episode 8: Shadow of the Rain




Lee stopped walking and looked up at the sky. He could tell that it was going to rain soon by the color of the clouds. He wiped the tears from his eyes and continued to walk, slowly, toward the other side of the valley.


Kakashi, Neji, and the rain ninja watched as Lee walked. Kakashi knew it; he had been too late. He couldn't force Lee to return to the village, and he knew Neji wouldn't be able to convince Lee to return. It was a rather sad thing that Lee was leaving the village, but Kakashi knew that Lee had made his choice.


A smile appeared on the rain ninja's face as Lee continued to walk. He had done what he needed to do, and that was all that mattered. He knew that Kakashi and Neji would refuse to kill him because Lee had told them to stop, so he was safe. Mission accomplished.


"Lee, stop! You don't know what you're doing. There's no good reason for you to leave the village! Whatever your problem is, I can help you! Don't become a rogue ninja."


The rain ninja looked at Neji and laughed.


"There's nothing you can do about it. Lee has made his choice. Now then, I'll be going."


Kakashi didn't stop the rain ninja from going because there was no point in it. Lee had chosen to go with this ninja, and Kakashi wasn't going to kill the ninja. Neji, on the other hand, had a different idea.


"Hold on just a second. You're going nowhere."


He leapt in over the lake and landed in front of the rain ninja.


"Is this kid going to try to kill me even after Lee told him to stop?"


"I don't know why Lee wants to leave the village, but I know that you're part of the reason. You're going nowhere until you tell me what's going on."


"Heh...I don't have to answer to you kid. Now, move!"


The rain ninja attempted to push Neji, but Neji grabbed his hand.


"If you refuse to answer to me I won't hesitate to kill you."


"Try it if you think you can!"


Neji's hand became surrounded by chakra, and he hit the rain ninja in the chest. The rain ninja fell to the ground and put both hands on his chest.


"What the?! What's happening?! My chakra..."


It was obvious that the rain ninja had died. Neji then looked at Lee.


"Tell me what's going on here."


Kakashi was amazed at Neji's how easily Neji's gentle fist could kill someone.


"Neji, if Lee wants to leave then we cannot stop him. We must return to the village at once. Do you understand?"


"I refuse to let Lee become make such a stupid decision."


Lee said nothing; he just ran up the side of the valley and walked into the forest. Neji tried to follow him, but Kakashi stopped him.


"We will return to the village at once."


Neji nodded hesitantly.


"Now I must inform the hokage of two things."


Lee walked slowly through the forest. He could have jumped from tree to tree, but he was too upset to use a lot of energy.


"I am sorry, but this has to be done."




Shikamaru was carrying Iruka, and Sasuke was carrying Naruto. It wasn't easy for them to jump through the trees because they were carrying ninja, but they managed to do it. They had to find a medical center as soon as possible.


"Sasuke, if we get attacked, it's very likely that all of us will die."


Next Episode Preview


"Shikamaru, find a place where Naruto and Iruka will be safe, then return here and help me take this guy down."


"Alright, I'll be back as soon as possible!"


Next Time: The battle of lightning! Sasuke vs. Ayora![/align]

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