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Wanghu OTK

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I don't know if this wil work, but I don't see any problems.

Have a face-up King Tiger Wanghu, Cyber Summon Blaster

and a Dimensional Fissure / Macro Cosmos. Summon D.D.

Scout Plane and Wanghu will kill him. End your turn and

Scout Plane will return, and blaster will do 300. Wanghu's

effect destroys it again and he comes back. Repeat

until you win the game.

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yeah, the combo is legal and do working.

4 cards required for the combo, don't you think it is very long?

Besides, you'll have some workout to defend Wanghu and your remove from play card.

Therefore, Cyber summon blaster there quite questionable existence even at DD deck.


This combo reminds me with Manticore of darkness infinite draw combo.

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Refer to my last post here, I have made a mistake here.

DD scout plane only can be special summoned once at the end of turn.

I don't know why, but it looks like UDE has set an individual card rule about it.


And, I have a lot easier to understand combo which could give me infinite LP if DD scout plane can be special summoned infinitely at the end of turn.

I have 5 slots monster zone occupied, and DD scout is one of those. I have already macrocosmos active. At this turn all I have to do is tribute DD scout and activate Soul absorption. Similar to your combo, DD scout would try to special summon itself, but since all of your card zone occupied it is removed from play again. Because a monster card is removed from play, I gained 500LP from Soul absorption. If at this end of turn DD scout plane is special summoned *again* over and over, I gained infinite LP isn't it?

The fact is my DD scout plane only special summon once, and didn't re-special summon itself again.

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