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March of the Chibi's! (Taking Chibi Request)


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I have no idea who that is' date=' could you give me a summary?[hr']

I should make some comment about OCG or something but ... its just to adorable.


Oh wow, cuteness is getting me out of criticism about OCG, which (Sorry if this is a noob comment) I have no idea what it means. My cards feel so special. :3

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Here is your Summary for Lelouch =)


Lelouch is the son of the Emperor of Britannia, Charles zi Britannia, and the late Imperial Consort Marianne, making Lelouch the Eleventh Prince of the Holy Britannian Empire.[4] He was seventeenth in line to Imperial throne prior to his mother's assassination, an event which also left his sister blind and crippled. A ten year old Lelouch confronted the Emperor afterward and accused him of leaving his mother defenseless, even going as far as renouncing his entitlement to the throne. In response, his father banished him to Japan, where he was used as a political hostage in the Sakuradite conflict.


It was during his stay at the Kururugi household that he first met Suzaku Kururugi, with whom the young Lelouch did not interact initially in a friendly manner,[5] before later becoming friends. However, when Britannia finally developed its Knightmare Frames, they decided to invade Japan to seize control of the Sakuradite mines, consequently discarding Lelouch's use as a diplomatic tool. Lelouch, fearing for his and his sister's safety, hid their true identities and sought the help of the Ashford family, who were his mother's allies.


His mother's death and his father's apparent lack of concern in regards to it were huge blows to Lelouch. He always felt that it was unfair for both his mother and sister, and therefore made it his goal to pursue a better world for Nunnally. He also seeks to discover the true reason for his mother's death, as she was murdered in the Ares Imperial Palace, a place terrorists would be unlikely to penetrate successfully without being noticed, if at all.


Lelouch possesses very strong philosophical beliefs: beliefs that define both his actions and his motivation for them. Perhaps his most notable is that he is against his father's beliefs of social Darwinism. He believes the world can live in cooperation rather than competition and conflict. To achieve this aim, he believes that the ends justify the means; he is willing to commit evil if it means bringing down a worse evil in the process. Lastly, Lelouch has two strong beliefs concerning death and killing. First, he believes (and states it several times) that the only people who should kill should be those who are themselves prepared to be killed; he welcomes fair combat and will not tolerate massacre. Less notable but more prominent in season two, Lelouch also believes (as he once told C.C.) that one should go to death smiling.


- Zero

Lelouch as Zero


Shortly after gaining the power of Geass from C.C., Lelouch assumes the secret identity Zero (ゼロ?), a mysterious, masked revolutionary dressed in a black helmet and cloak. The helmet has a retractable plate over the left eye so Lelouch can use his Geass. In this guise, he forms the Order of the Black Knights, initially composed of the members of Kaname Ohgi's resistance group. The goal of this vigilante group is a campaign against powerful individuals who oppress the helpless, which he eventually expands into reforming Japan as an independent nation.


Lelouch is willing to do whatever it takes to accomplish his goal, even if it means lying to his followers and using people as bait for the outcome he desires. However, he has trouble putting those he is close to in harms way for the sake of his goal, which is a weakness as a commander but a remnant of his humanity and sanity. His feelings for Nunnally in particular often hinders his plans, particularly at the end of the first season, where he abandons a massive war with Britannian forces to rescue her, and early into the second season, when he has trouble believing Nunnally is willingly waging a campaign for peace that interferes with his plans. Gradually, however, he has come to embrace the fact that he has to destroy before reconstruction can occur, even if it means harming those he cares about.


Originally, Lelouch is motivated by the desire to avenge his mother's death and construct an ideal world where his sister Nunnally can live in peace. After Nunnally becomes Viceroy of Area 11, and her wishes conflict with his goals, his friends help him to realize that his rebellion is no longer just for Nunnally, but for all the people of the world.


and why did you made Gaara Fiend ? Gaara should be ROCK ( Sand lol ? ) or Warrior or cause he can control sand he should be spellcaster ( each ninja should be spellcaster cause of Jutsu )

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