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new cards vol. 1


how great is na-sol?  

  1. 1. how great is na-sol?


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hey guys this is the new batch of cards made look and rate them here there are









this guy right here if i had character in the anime ace card and this guy got 5 different sides or modes to him and to me he rocks.


so rate em and give me comments back on these new cards exspecally Na-sol



btw i messed up on the poll so just ignore it an rate the cards exsecially na-sol Drider

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Phoenix Firesoilder effect is this:


[Cyber Falcon-MK2+ 1 or more FIRE type non tuner monsters]

once per turn, if you control a FIRE type monster on your side of the field you can activate one of the following effects

+ Tribute the monster to inflict 300 points X the number of stars the tributed monster had as direct damage to your opponet.

+ This card gains 400 points X the number of stars the tributed monster had until the end of the turn.



Na-Sol effect is this:

you can activate one or both of the following effects

+ if this card is unable to attack due to monster effect,magic, or trap you can negate its effect and destroy it

+ when this card destroys a monster, after damage calculation you can choose either the ATK or DEF of the destroyed monster and your opponet takes half of the original monster ATK or DEF as direct damage to their life points.

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pepole im sorry i dont have pics for my new cards hopefully these become real cards that i dont have to worrly about a pic (lol) but beside that u guys know anyway i find a pic place that only for yu-gi-oh? if u do tell me in this post but i keep leting you guys see my new cards pics or not and i just want you guys to rate em



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