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new synchro egyption god


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Basic Rules for Egyptian Gods:

They are Lvl 12.

They are Divine Beast.

Basic Rules for Tuners:

They have their own effects.

They do not say "Tune with "..." to summon "...."

Basic Rules for Synchros:

They list the cards needed for the Synchro Summon first.

The text looks like this:

"Sun Tuner + Obelisk the Tormentor


but, nice try. they aren't completely horrible, and you don't need to post Obelisk, we're pretty sure that everyone knows what his card looks like. 4/10


Good pic and creativy name.

Don't use fake types' date=' please.

A little OP to this lvl.

The effect is confuse, i think.

7/10, it's good for a new member (:



It's a Synchro Egyptian God, following along with the other three, the card has no effect, its descriptive text, not an effect.

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Well Horus is supposed to be the improved version of obelisk because horus has 7000 atk and def the sun tuner is because in egyption myth horus is the sun god so he needs a sun tuner oh ya and dark magician girl i followed the steps you said and they look better thanks.

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Well Horus is supposed to be the improved version of obelisk because horus has 7000 atk and def the sun tuner is because in egyption myth horus is the sun god so he needs a sun tuner oh ya and dark magician girl i followed the steps you said and they look better thanks.


well' date='thank you for trying, Sun Tuner is better now, but its actually Horus that the tuner and non-tuner was supposed to have the text moved around. ^^

"Sun Tuner + Obelisk the Tormentor

The sun, Blah, Blah, Blah"


don't make divine types and DIVINE attributes, it's Oped anyway




Ragnarok, we have agreed on most threads in the past, but did you not notice that this is supposed to be a fourth Egyptian God? (actually one of the better EG cards we've seen)

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