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New insect synchro


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[align=center]Big Barrel Beetle


[spoiler=Insect/Synchro/Effect]1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters

There can only be 1 face-up "Big Barrel Beetle" on the field. Your opponent cannot target any other monster card on the field with the effect of a Spell, Trap or Monster card other than this card. Once per turn you can remove from play 1 monster from your Graveyard to inflict damage to your opponent's Life Points equal to the removed monster's level x200. If you activate this effect, this card cannot attack this turn.


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Some Ideas:


On the part were you cant select another monster as attack target, bla, bla, bla, change it to "When this card is synchro summoned, your opponent cannot select this card as an attack target until the end phase of your next turn. If your opponent selects another monster as an attack/spell/trap/effect monster target, you can pay 1000 life points to negate the attack/spell/trap/effect monster's effect."


Then, instead of removing from play to give your opponent damage equal to attack, it should say this: "You can tribute one monster on your side of the field (except "Big Barrel Beetle") to inflict damage to your opponent's life points equal to half of it's attack or defense. If this effect is activated, this card cannot attack until your next battle phase"


That way, it will make it less OP and more realistic. Right now, because its OP'd, the picture should be cropped a bit better and the picture isnt a very good one, I give it a 68/100.


If you fix it, I may give you a better score, keep trying :)

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you can get rid of the Spell' date=' trap and monster effect part, the Attack Target can stay though [/quote']

yeah that's what i originally had it as when i first made it



the pic i made my self except the beetle itself (i added a holo sheet, 3 layers of the same background with different effects at different areas, the tech circle and the shadow myself)

and i think it's pretty blurry cuz i made it into a jpeg and reduced it, lowering the quality a fair bit

also the holo on the writing was just a first attempt, i have decent holo sheets but it's just my serious lack of skill that makes it look pretty bad

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Insect Synchro! Awesome. Great name. The pic could be a little sharper, maybe a different background might help, but I love it, it's perfect.


BlazeVGR made some good points. Those are all excellent ways to improve the card's effect.


All in all, I'd say, with those effect changes, this card is very good. Now we just need some insect tuners.



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