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Mounted Archer Of Time


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OCG fix:


"Each time a face-up Trap Card is destroyed, this card gains 200 ATK and DEF."


Not the most creative effect, but it is balanced, and the image isn't too bad.


I don't know how useful this card would be though, it is ultimately just a beatstick, and a bit situational too.



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OCG fix:


"Each time a face-up Trap Card is destroyed' date=' this card gains 200 ATK and DEF."


Not the most creative effect, but it is balanced, and the image isn't too bad.


I don't know how useful this card would be though, it is ultimately just a beatstick, and a bit situational too.





^^I Agree^^

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Well i would keep the effect and add something to it, effect is bland but balanced.


Either use the OCG correction that Bengal gave or you can use the one you have at the moment but take of "points" at the end of the sentence, it is not needed.


Pic is ok and so is the name.



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