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Chtonian Alliance deck

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Please Rate. Please suggest better spells and traps(for the most part, im keeping the monsters unless theres something you suggest someting thats extremely better and easy to find)


Alt one:

monsters 20


Fog King x 2

Cyber Dragon x 1

Neospacian Grandmole x 1

Gorz x 1


Spear Dragon x 3

Cactus fighter x 3

Marauding captain x 3

Goblin attack force x 3

Breaker the magical warrior x 3


spells 11


Chtonian Alliance x 3

Lightning vortex x 1

Swords of revealing light x 1

Scapegoat x 1

Book of Eclipse x 2

Heavy Storm x 1

Axe of Despair times 1

Fighting Spirit x 1


traps 10


Time machine x 1

Soul rope x 3

Solemn Judgment x 1

Bottomless Traphole x 1

Torrential x 1

Magical Cylinder x 1

Ultimate Offering x 1

Shadow spell x 1


Alt two


monsters 25


Fog King x 2

Cyber Dragon x 1

Neospacian Grandmole x 1

Gorz x 1

Jinzo x 1

Sangan x 1


Spear Dragon x 3

Cactus fighter x 3

Marauding captain x 3

Goblin attack force x 3

Breaker the magical warrior x 3

Chainsaw Insect x 3


spells 9


Chtonian Alliance x 3

Lightning vortex x 1

Swords of revealing light x 1

Book of Eclipse x 2

Heavy Storm x 1

Fighting Spirit x 1


traps 6

Time machine x 1

Soul rope x 3

Solemn Judgment x 1

Bottomless Traphole x 1



i know that alt two is alittle off balance but it has worked better in some cases. Right now im using alt two but i have all the cards for alt one side decked. any ideas/ fixes?

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