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3 Shadow cards but are they good


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I made these cards earlier today just want to know if there good and can you give me suggestions and how to improve them



Effect: Everytime your Opponent activates a Spell or Trap card, send this Card to the Graveyard. If this Card is in your Graveyard During your Opponents Standby Phase, Inflict damage equal to a Quarter of your Opponent's Lifepoints. During your Standby Phase If this Card is in your Graveyard you may Special Summon it in Face-Up Attack Postion.



Effect:This Card is also treated as a FIEND-Type Monster. Everytime this Card Attacks and your Opponent Activates a Trap Card this Card is Sent to your hand and Special Summoned during your Main Phase. When this Card is sent from the Field to your hand, you may take a Spell Card from your deck or Graveyard, your deck is then shuffled.



Effect:At the Start of every Standby Phase including your Opponents Standby Phase. Flip a Coin; if you call it right take the top 5 cards from your deck and Shuffle it with your Graveyard place your Graveyard with the Back of the cards facing up, Draw 2 cards and place them into your hand. If you call it Wrong then discard 5 cards from the top of your deck. Pay 500 Lifepoints at the Start of your Standby Phase, if you do not this card is sent to the Graveyard.

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