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Warriors-Clans of the Wild (not started, accepting)


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The series by Erin Hunter is what gave me the idea for this Role Play. Many of you may not know about this series, so if you have any questions please PM me.


Plot: The four cat clans of the forest are in peace. The prey is plentiful. The twolegs (humans) are staying where they're supposed to, and the warriors are training well. But strange things have been happening. Cats are dissapearing, tension between the clans grow. Warriors are preparing for the coming battle. Live life as a wild clan cat as you prepare for the challenges life throws at you. And protect your clan from the coming war.

[spoiler=clan info]This will give some you some info on the clans.


Leader of a clan has star at the end of there name. example: whitestar


Each leader has a deputy warrior who is in charge when the leader is away, they are also supposed to help the leader.


A warrior helps the clan by fighting against enemies and hunting. They are also the mentors of apprentices. Name example: Whiteclaw


Apprentices are the Warriors in training six moons old or older. They do most things warriors do. Until they are granted there warrior name they have paw at the end of there name. example: Whitepaw


Kits are newborn cats 6 moons old or less. They have no responsibility. They have Kit at the end of there name. example: White Kit


The medacine cat is responsible for treating the sick and wounded cats. The medacine has one apprentice that takes over when the medacine cat retires or dies.



River clan-lives near a small estuary, can fish very well


Shadow clan-Proud and stealthy, lives in the dark part of the forest


Wind clan-Living on the plain, they are swift, agile and loyal


Thunder clan-fierce warriors, they are very noble, they also live in a forest






description or image:




i will add my app later

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SOME! BODY! JOIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Name: Currentpaw

rank: Deputy Leader

Gender: Male

description or image: Weed_the_Cat_by_xDreamweaver.png like this but the dark stripes closer to black and more appropriately sized cat body..

clan: River


i've read the books they're pretty good

and if you're gonna work hard on it make it something that is popular on here

oh and put a tag either [basic] or [advanced] on the name of it..

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