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Do not post attachments of your card. Attachments require that everyone must open each card seperately which isn't always worth doing. To get them onto your thread without posting them as attachments, go to card maker and then open up your card and press on the card. A URL lin will show up on the bottom of the card. Copy that and paste it into your thread and voila your cards will show up for everyone to see. Do that instead of posting attachments next time.

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i will label the cards 1,2 and 3 and comment:


1: Im sorry but it looks like you just pulled out a picture of the first robot you could find on google, posted it and hoped to get a good review on it. The effect is ok though and is not OP


2: If you want to make an effecless ritual monster you can't add a discription on at the end. look at a non-effect ritual monster like black luster soldier for an example. However i love the picture.


3: State the star level that needs to be tributed on this card. say you need to tribute monsters that have a star level Equal or more than 8 from your field or hand. look at a card like Black Illusion Ritual for an example. Dont really like the picture, looks too realistic for an anime-based game.


Good try but alot of errors need fixing. 4/10

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