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Blowin' stuff up is fun!!!


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You mean on your side of the field or the whole field completely? Also, you need to have a card cutoff in order for this card to work like "You can activate this card when you have 8 cards total on your side of the field and/or in your hand" in order to prevent this card from being used when you have absolutely nothing on your side of the field. Also, the second part of the effect would be cheap if you or your opponent had a high hitting monster like Judgement Dragon because that would already mean 3500x2=7000 damage to their life points from the effect. You might just want to make it just the monster's ATK (which will include all equip cards to that monster that might boost its ATK) instead of doubling its ATK. Also, make the target ONLY a monster on your opponent's side of the field only otherwise you can easily power up a monster on your side of the field and then destroy it with this effect to give a huge amount of damage to your opponent's life points. 6/10

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"If you can't read it go buy some glasses. Anyway, I have a feeling the OCG is off so if you could fix it it would be appreciated. Enjoy."


That's a way to get people to not like your posts lol.

Anyways you got some mild ocg errors.

e.g. "Hand" is hand


Picture is realistic and not fit for a card

Name is bland and dull.

Hard to strategize effect


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