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Greater Dark Magician {Level 8/Spellcaster/Monster/50-50 Effect}


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[align=center]I was playing Magic The Gathering yesterday because my friend had forgot his YGO deck, and he told me how to play, I saw some images from it, so I just took one and made it into the YGO universe.

Image Credit ~ Here





This card not be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by removing from play 2 "Dark Magician" monsters face-up on your side of the field. When this card is Summoned successfully, roll a six-sided die. If this number is 2, 4, 6 this card gains 2500 ATK and DEF and can not be targeted by monster effect's or Trap cards. After 7 turns from when this card was Summoned, destroy this card.


Rate, Fix.[/align]

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You cant tribute 2 Level 7 monsters to get a Level 8 with 1000 ATK and DEF points, espcecailly as there is a 50% chance youll then destroy itself...you gave up 2 monsters with 2500 ATK points for that no way...Sorry much to bigger a risk with too little pay off. Not sure about the pic not very Mage like but hey Im no picaso!! lol.


Maybe make him Level 10 with 4000 ATK/2000 DEF points. then roll a dice 1,3 & 5 this card cannot attack unless you have another Spellcaster-Type Level 6 or above on the field (something like that). 2,4 & 6 this card is unaffected by your opponent's Spell and Monster Card Effects. -This seems better to me...just an idea


7/10...needs some work but a good try.

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Why are people still making DM cards?







DM is as legitimate as the next card, and it's one of the mascots of the game. It has a plethora of support cards. What's not to like? Is it too vanilla for you, Davidroof1?


I think I'm going to go out and buy a pack or two of that booster set.

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Why are people still making DM cards?







That's your excuse? Lame. DM is as legitimate as the next card' date=' and it's one of the mascots of the game. [b']It has a plethora of support cards. [/b]What's not to like? Is it too vanilla for you?

That's why people need to stop making them. We have enough. And I never said it was bad.

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