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GX Monsters


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I hope you like these cards. Then too bad I don't. Most people would probably call them rip-offs' date=' [b']I wouldn't care less if they were ripoffs[/b], but I think I did pretty good. HAHAHAHAA! AS IF! Please comment.

Horrible, just horrible.


1. GX is not a type at all and NEVER will be. -1


2. They are ridicolously strong with ridicolously high ATK and DEF -1


3. Generation X summoning makes ABSOLUTELY no sense -4


4. If they have effects then make them Effect monsters. -3


5. There's a 1/4 white border on the Generation X Summoning card. -1


6. None of the pics have backgrounds. -3


7. Do you even OWN a Yugioh card? -1


8. You spelled Generation wrong on the Blue-Eyes card. -1


9. "Removing from play "Example" from the field" is not neccesary. -1


Rating: -6/10

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