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Yu-Gi-Oh! Darkness Path (Started) (always accepting) [PG-13] [BASIC]


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Hey everyone hope you like and join this RP...........................


[spoiler=Rules]1. All of the RP rules.

2. Full OcG posts are not allowed when we begin.(unless its important)

3. No spaming.

4. No lying. Be always honest.

5. Always keep counting your cards in deck and hand



[spoiler=Plot]A duel academy was built on an ancient dark empire...... The power of that empire was awake by accident and now it's trying to control the world........ And some student in that academy will try to stop this power and to destroy it.









Appearance:(pic or description)

Teacher or Student:

Class: (Blue Obelisk [High] / Golden Ra [Medium] / Red Slifer [Low] / White Horakhti [special / Only after being a Blue Obelisk and winning a good place in an upgrading test])

Name of your deck and one of its cards:(optional)


You can be one of the dark empire slaves if you want to we need at least 2......... If so you can display your name........ Write instead Dark Soldier......




[spoiler=To upgrade your class]By tests..........



[spoiler=My app]Name: Leonardo

Age: 16

Gander: Male



Teacher or Student: Student

Class: Blue Obelisk

Name of your deck and one of its cards: [spoiler=Curse of Shadow]205972.jpg

[spoiler=Rise of Shadow]order-1.jpg


[spoiler=Shadow Kingdom]205972t.jpg


Personality: Alone, Mysterious, Hate others and friendship, Rude and Bleak, Sometimes or most of the times I seem one of the Dark Empire Soldiers.



If I missed any thing please tell me.

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I want to :D

Name: Hiraku Kotowari



Appearance: Black Short hair, Wears a Obelisk Suit with Ra yellows Colors.

Teacher or Student:Ra Yellow Teacher.

Name of your deck and one of its cards: Space Fissure (Space Hero Deck)

Card: Space Hero-Saturnus

Personality: Always Nice, Love the Learn students During Class.

When he duels He is nice still But He won't show mercy.

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Name: James

Age: 18

Gander: Male

Appearance: Blonde hair and styled like Cloud's. Wears a slifer red jacket loosely like Jaden.

Teacher or Student: Student

Class: Slifer Red

Name of your deck and one of its cards: Machine Onslaught.





Personality: Very fun to be around, very cheerful. Though he does get serious when it comes to dueling.

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Name: Ruby

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Appearance:(pic or description) She has blue eyes, black hair. She wears a darker version of obelisk blue female uniform.

Teacher or Student: Student

Class: Obelisk blue

Name of your deck and one of its cards: Dark attributed Spellcasters&Fairies Card: Dark Valkyria

Personality: She is a bit stubborn but extremely intelligent. She loves joking and but she can be serious when she needs to be.

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Hiraku Drew 5 Cards And shouted out "Draw" While he drew his Sixth.

"I Summon "Space Hero-RocketMan" In atk Mode ( 1400 Atk )"

"And now i activate my spell card: Space Belt (Continues) That let Me Special Summon 1 Space Hero Lvl 4 Or lower every Main Phase From my hand, This time i Choose "Space Hero-Bursting Mercurios Atk 1700" " And i won't Attack so i end my turn with 1 Card face down.

I'm gonna go Buy some food ( My Mom x_x') I come back Soon.

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Back: "My Turn" Hiraku Shouted And Drew His card,


"First i Tribute "Space Hero - RocketMan" And "Space Hero - Bursting Mercurios" To summon "Space Hero-Shining Sun" in Atk Mode (2300 Atk) And the effect Is: When Shining Sun Has Successfully been Normal Summoned, Reveal All your Opponents Face down Monsters, To activate this effect Tribute 1 Monster on your side of the field.

" And then my Space Belt activates And i Choose "Space Hero-Pluto"" Pluto Tributes and The Shining Sun is starting To shine and Reveals All your Face Down Monster Cards! (This is not a FLIp Summon And my Turn isn't Over so Just reveal your cards)

It's BUGGING As Crazy

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