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First Post-First Card: ICE DRAGON


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^This was posted before I finished typing^


*Reads Welcome to YCM notecards*

Hello, welcome to YCM, (put name here).

My name is Hitokage and I will be your first critic.


Somethings you should know, try not to make normal monsters(expect if you post support cards with them), that picture is overused, but as a new member, I don't expect you to know that, and where you put 1996 Kazuki....you can put your username instead to make the card look like you created it.

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If this card is going to be put in an actual YUGIOH set then its okay but like most YCM people they want overpowered cards that would be the ultimate monster


So dont give it and effect but a new pic would be nice


We don't like OP'ed cards here in Realistic nor do we really like them at all.


But to the newby: Welcome. As everyone else here has said we don't really like Normal monsters here, give them support or make it an effect monster and it'd be better. Find a better pic too, as said before its overused.

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