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The Epocalypse is coming: this heap of weirdness won a tourney!


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We did the Summer Cup Finals today, but there were only 6 people, of which only 4 had oficially qualified for them. I was one of them, because I had attended some of the preliminaries. (And played bad at all of them :s)


The four of us decided that the grand prize, a whopping €100, would be split into 4x€25, and each of us would get a part of it.

Since the other players were three Monarch builds, Blackwings and Zombies, I happily aggreed with it. Why, you might ask?

Just look at my Deck: and you'll know why!


///Monsters (13)\\\

3)) Wall of Illusion

3)) Legendary Jujitsu

2)) Penguin Soldier

1)) Morphing Jar

2)) Mask of Darkness

1)) Spirit Reaper

1)) Marshmallon


///Spells (18)\\\

3)) Final Countdown

3)) Messenger of Peace

3)) Nightmare's Steelcage

1)) Swords of Revealing Light

1)) Level Limit-Area B

2)) Lightning Vortex

2)) Soul Taker

3)) Upstart Goblin


///Traps (9)\\\

3)) Threatening Roar

3)) Waboku

1)) Torrential Tribute

1)) Mirror Force

1)) Gravity Bind



2)) Lava Golem

2)) Morphing Jar #2

2)) Twister

1)) Heavy Storm

2)) Needle Ceiling

3)) Skill Drain

3)) Royal Oppression


Round 1: Destiny Monarchs

An old-school Monarch build with Diamond Dudes, Malis and Dashers in it. I won because he tried to Mobius me, but only hit Chainables. I sided Morphs, and he milled Caius twice. I won.


Round 2: Plain Monarchs

Can't remember what kind of Monarchs he played...but that means it wasn't spectacular. He scooped during turn 15 of round 2. I hadn't sided anything, but he was sick of not being able to inflict Battle damage.


Round 3: Chaos Monarchs

We went for booster prize sharing. It was my idea, because this guy had 2-0'd me several times before...

I won round 1 easily. He couldn't get any Monsters in his Grave, and his King Tiger Wanghu couldn't do anything for I Set my Monsters. He sided 11 (!) Cards, including Jinzo x2, Royal Decree x2, ...

However, he didn't Draw into any of them, and 10 turns had passed before I drew my First Countdown. He screwed me several times with his Breaker by destroying my Waboku and then attacking LJM or WoI. I won due to Messenger of Peace. He tried to attack with Grand Mole for game (700 LP left), but my Mirror Force frustrated him :D


I got 3 ANPR boosters. I pulled crap.

With the money, I bought an AFD tin, and pulled crap.


Conclusion 1: The cheapest Deck CAN win a tourney.

Conclusion 2: I LOVE computer-generated pairings.

Conclusion 3: Always sell your boosters instead of opening them.





On-topic: how does my renewed Deck look?

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