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start of first deck (all monsters)

Magnet Soldier

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fixed of the above



1 'Oblivion' Tuner monster

1 non-tuner monster

If this cards attack is higher than the defence of a defence position monster this card is attacking deal the difference as damage to your opponents life points. At the end of a battle phase when this card has battled changed this card and all of your opponent monsters besides the monster this card battled with to defense position.



This card cannot be destroyed by battle. Any monster battling with this card will be destroyed after damage calculation. This card can attack twice.



This card's original ATK & DEF points are equal to the total original ATK & DEF points of all monsters in your graveyard. You must sacrifice three monsters with 'Oblivion' in there name to summon this monster.



1 'Oblivion' Tuner monster

1 non-tuner monster

This card is unaffected by spell and trap cards. As long as this card is face up on the field all of your opponents cards that are sent to the graveyard are removed from play instead.



1 'Oblivion' Tuner monster

1 non-tuner monster

Remove from play any monster that battles with this card. Increase the ATK & DEF of this card by 300 for every monster removed from play.



This card is unaffected by your opponents spell and traps. All 'Oblivion' monsters gain 300 ATK & DEF. Once per turn you can discard 1 card from your hand to destroy one spell or trap on the field. If you activate this ability this card cannot attack this turn.

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