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lulz You have no cards. =D


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Monsters (15)

3x Needle Worm

3x Morphing Jar #2

2x Hiro's Shadow Scout

2x Bistro Butcher

1x Morphing Jar

1x Night Assailant

1x Sangan

1x Chainsaw Insect

1x D-Hero Defender


Spells (24)

3x Hand Destruction

3x Book of Eclipse

3x Book of Taiyou

3x The Shallow Grave

2x Magical Stone Excavation

2x A Feather of the Phoenix

2x Book of Moon

1x Dimensional Fissure (Just in case of LS)

1x Card Destruction

1x Gravekeeper's Servant

1x De-Synchro

1x Serial Spell

1x Monster Reborn


Traps (8*)

3x Desert Sunlight

3x Dark Bribe

1x Magic Cylinder

1x Gravity Bind


This is for yugiohnetwork.com. They go by the March 09 banlist so don't complain about MR. There's 47 total so I think I should neg some stuff but what to neg? However, I've only lost once cause of a stupid Macro Cosmos. Please tell me what I should neg/add. Thanks in advance. =D

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neg the following:


2x The Bistro Butcher, Defender, & Chainsaw - Since the majority of the cards you have revolve winning in 1 turn Butcher, Defender, & Chainsaw are obsolete.


Night Assailant - You will be discarding cards but you will hardly ever use Night Assailant's effect because you will be using mostly The Shallow Grave.


2x Hiro's Shadow Scout - He doesn't help the FTK. You should make this Deck an FTK because you can. It's trolls dude.


Sangan - You will never use him. With your draw power, you'll get a #2 or #1 Morph AMO.


2x Magical Stone Excavation - Not very useful when your trying to Deck out your opponent.


2x A Feather of the Phoenix - See Magical Stone Excavation.


Dimensional Fissure - Light-Imprisoning (Side decked) > D-Fi.


De-Synchro - You won't ever use this in an FTK.


Serial Spell - Not good. You want to have hand-advantage because you'll need more than just 1 Spell to use.


Magic Cylinder - Unchainable, won't be useful in FTK.


Gravity Bing - see Magic Cylinder.


That makes 17 cards removed.

Now you need 10 added.

Add the following 10:

+1 Book of Moon

+3 Dark World Dealings

+3 Spear Cretin (Trust me, it's worth it)

+3 Waboku

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First attempt: Milling at the Speed of Light.



3x Needle Worm

3x Morphing Jar #2

3x Spear Cretin

1x Morphing Jar



3x Dark World Dealings

1x Card Destruction

3x Hand Destruction

3x Book of Moon

3x Book of Taiyou

3x Book of Eclipse

2x Magical Stone Excavation

3x Upstart Goblin

3x The Shallow Grave



3x Desert Sunlight

3x Waboku

3x Dark Bribe


Similar to the above poster's build...

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tc is doing it wrong.

titanjon is doing it like' date=' half better half worse.

cards titanjon doesnt understand:

night assailant - +1 hand advantage is never, ever bad. neither is a free discard. but the best part is the easy recyclability of cards like mj2 and mj

sangan - mj could be the bottom card in your deck. you cant go wrong with sangan, especially since he can grab every single monster in this deck.

mse - i dont use it, but it isnt bad.

spear cretin - at 3? for someone talking about ftks, you sure pick slow cards to add. spear is fine, maybe at 2 though.



cotter is missing sangan and night assailant, for the above mentioned reasons.

recyclability and searchability are key.



i might also recommend volcanic shells, to help with those hand dests, card dests, dwds, etc



to see flip trolls done right, please go here:



also see flips 5 and 4 for alternatives:

flip 5:


flip 4:




flip 6 is probably the flat out best of them though. fastest, kills in 1-2 turns, 3 at the most.

almost guaranteed. you have to know how to play it though.


all questions about mill decks may be addressed to troll

i /am/ the resident expert at them, after all.



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