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A New Soldier in the War - Akoolgie800's Pokemon Set [6/???]


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Meh, haven't made a set in a while, a pop culture set that is. So decided to make a Pokemon Set. Anyway, here it is:


[align=center][spoiler=[size=large]31 - 33[/size]]


This monster cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This monster cannot be Special Summoned except from your hand when you control 2 or more EARTH monsters on your side of the field. When you control 1 Rock monster on your side of the field, this monster cannot be destroyed by battle.



This monster cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This monster cannot be Special Summoned except by tributing 1 "Rock Pokemon - Geodude" you control. By paying 1000 Life Points, this monster can attack twice this Battle Phase. If you cannot pay 1000 Life Points, negate this effect.



This monster cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This monster cannot be Special Summoned except from your hand by tributing 1 "Rock Pokemon - Graveler" you control on your side of the field. When this monster destroys a monster by battle, randomly discard 1 Card in your opponent's hand. When you control 3 or more "Pokemon" monsters on your side of the field, this monster cannot be destroyed by battle.



[align=center][spoiler=[size=large]69 - 71[/size]]


Increase this monster's ATK and DEF by 200 for every "Pokemon" monster in your Graveyard. When this monster's ATK and DEF are 1200 or more, destroy this monster and add 1 "Gas Pokemon - Haunter" from your Deck to your hand. When you control 2 or more Zombie monsters on your side of the field, this monster can attack your opponent's Life Points directly.



This monster cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This monster cannot be Special Summoned except by tributing 1 "Gas Pokemon - Gastly" you control in your side of the field. When this monster destroys a monster by battle, inflict damage to your opponent's Life Points by 100 for every Card on the field. When you control 2 or more Zombie monsters on the field, this monster cannot be destroyed by battle.



This monster cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This monster cannot be Special Summoned except by tributing 1 "Gas Pokemon - Haunter" you control in your side of the field. When this monster destroys a monster by battle, select and add 1 "Pokemon" monster from your Deck to your hand. During your Standby Phase, you can half this monster's ATK to destroy 2 Trap or Spell Cards on the field. When 3 or more Zombie monsters are in your Graveyard, this monster cannot be destroyed by a Card Effect.



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You sorta copied me though (people are keep on doing that to me now. First TTT then you) With the type colors thing. (its minor.) great. It cant be Pokemon monster because your keep on putting words before Pokemon. I was about to say Uped on the Ghosts, then i remembered, there Zombies. I dont like Gravler's pic. Other pics can be improved. Wanna comment on my PKMN set. I'm most likely leading in the War. 8/10


BTW I'm gonna start calling you .:Magikarp:. from now on

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Yes' date=' and i commented as well.





Calvin' pid='2930117' dateline='1252190791']

Dude im creaming all of you. im just behind because of scool. bring it on!!

cards are cool. 7.99999/10 just to leave you hanging.


No. I creaming you so good, i made you into cheese cake. Yum

Cream Cheese

Dude i'm in the lead. All the sets i make that have over 40 cards are the best on the forum. lol

Just quit DS. You cant withstand the challenge.

BTW these cards are the slitest better than yours. So Dont even say anything.

The War will go on and i'll triumph

As you all know by now

I'll creem you all.


See ya later. I'm gonna ask hito if you can update the banner

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Forgive the Spam' date=' technically I'm in the lead, I'm on my 3rd set.



3rd set, BUT when you make alot of sets of te same thing people might stop watching.I've gotton, more than 1000 views, don't think so(thank you viewers), also i have better OCG and SOME of my pics are better some, OCG same

Again, forgive the spam.

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