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Code Geass RPG (Always Accepting Post or PM)(Not Started)


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I need Characters super special ultra mega fast!!!!

[spoiler=What Your App Should Look Like]



Description:(Pic or description)


Title: (Knight of Round(if knight of round post number),Noble, Commoner etc)

Alignment:(Black Knights or Britannia)





Knightmare Name:

Knightmare Description:(Pic or description)


Equip:(again knightmare)



Geass/What it does:(Not everyone can have one, SORRY)

Geass weaknesses/limitations:

Geass Name:



this takes place right after episode 8

My app will be posted after i think of one


No God Mods

I don't care if you cuss


You can kill off characters (If it is a custom made character you need permission from the creator)

you can use knightmares from the anime



[spoiler=My App(Not finished)]













Knightmare:7th Generation, 9th after we pass the point of the Black Rebellion

Knightmare Name: Sarras

[spoiler=Knightmare Description]


Sorry it is a link thats the only kind i could find



[spoiler=Knightmare Weps]

Slash Harken x 2

MVS (Maser Vibration Sword) Lance-Type x 2, combine into one dual blade sword

Needle Blazer × 2



[spoiler=Equip:(again knightmare)]

Blaze Luminous × 4

Factsphere sensor × 2 (on the shoulders)

Landspinner propulsion system

Optional Float System

Cockpit Ejection system

Harken Booster × 2

Energy Wing Offense & Defense / Propulsion System (capable of launching energy bolts and forming a barrier)(9th Gen Version)






Geass/What it does:(Not everyone can have one, SORRY)The geass of manifestation allows me to manifest anything

Geass Weakness/Limitation:it cannot manifest anything with a mind, if the manifested item is destroyed the user will die, if the item is damaged the user will be hurt in the same spot and at the same volume of pain

Geass Name:N/A




[spoiler=Black Knights]

[spoiler=Lead Ranks]

1.Nebuchadnezzar III(Otaku-Sama)(General)

2.(Lk123)(Knightmare Division Leader)

3.________(Ground Unit Leader)

4.________(Any other leader)

5.________(Any other leader)




[spoiler=Lead Ranks]


2.________(Knightmare Division Leader)

3.________(Ground Unit Leader)

4.________(Any other leaders)

5.________(Any other leaders)





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Your App sucks so badly, I wasted my time to re-model it >.>


Name Tieria Erde

Age Unknown

Gender Male



Personality Within his gentle tone, he can give a sense of cold intentions.[1] He values the mission above all other issues, including life, and doesn't show any "concern" for his teammates. Tieria would not hesitate to shoot any of his comrades, or even kill them.

Side N/A

Title N/A

Rank N/A


Name GN-008 Seravee and GN-009 Seraphim


[spoiler=Seravee (White) And Seraphim (Black)]




[spoiler=Seraphim in Backpack Mode, attatched to Seravee]






GN Bazooka II x2

GN Cannon x4

GN Beam Saber x6



GN Bazooka II (From Seravee)

GN Cannon x2

GN Beam Saber x2



GN Field

Face Burst Mode

Trans-Am System

Trial System

GN Cannons - transformable MS arms

Multi-Cannon/Bazooka Combinations

-Buster Cannon

-Twin Buster Cannon

-Double Bazooka Burst Mode

-Double Bazooka Cannon

-Double Bazooka Buster Cannon

-Hyper Burst Bazooka Mode

Backpack - Seraphim



Trans-Am System

Trial System

GN Cannons are transformable MS arms

GN Drive within Seraphim

Geass *WIP*

Name ---

Effect ---

Limitations ---

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Name:Savior Merquise



[spoiler=apperance] 9bdb6ff62ac680_full.jpg




Title: (Noble)


Personality:In his off time, he can be seen drinking sake in bars and napping. He likes steamed buns that go with sake, but dislikes powdered green tea. Other times, he likes to chase after women.



Knightmare::Seventh Generation

Knightmare Name: Shadow

[spoiler=Knigtmare Appearance] 2dl93rp.png



Weps:(A blaster rifle on his back.)

Equip:(The entire frame can vibrate it’s atoms past other atoms, thus it can go through solid objects. )

Weps:(Two swords that come up from under the wrist)


Geass/What it does:(Time freeze-temporarily freeze the subjective experience of time for all persons within a given range)

Geass weaknesses/limitations:It only freeze time for 30 sec. If I use more than 5 times in one day the use will be on the brake of death.

Geass Name:N/A

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Geass/What it does:(Time freeze-temporarily freeze the subjective experience of time for all persons within a given range)

Geass weaknesses/limitations:It only freeze time for 30 sec. If I use more than 5 times in one day the use will be on the brake of death.

Geass Name:N/A

That's Rolo's Geass >.> But

you made it EVEN more Cheap by not making it stop his Heart while it's active

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Well, that proves your a Moron >.> It's clearly Stated Before Rolo's Death (And a few other times I can't remember)


And actuly... Yours is Pure-Godmod


Rolo's Geass is known as the "Ward of Absolute Suspension"' date=' which is the ability to suspend the subjective sense of time of everyone within a given range. Those under its effect are frozen in place for the duration of its activation. When activated, a Geass sigil manifests in his right eye and projects a red sphere representing the area of effect. Its range is determined at activation; while no upper limit is given, it can at least reach several hundred meters. Physical obstacles or electronic equipment do not hinder its effectiveness, nor does it require eye contact. The same people can be frozen repeatedly. Despite long-term possession of the ability, Rolo's Geass remains under his control, unlike Lelouch.


The weakness of Rolo's Geass is that his heart stops when he uses it, limiting its activation to short bursts. The range also determines the amount of strain it puts on him. Finally, it is unable to stop inanimate objects or physical phenomena such as speed and momentum. (for example, it can neither stop a clock nor a projectile in mid-flight).



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Geass/What it does:(Time freeze-temporarily freeze the subjective experience of time for all persons within a given range)

Geass weaknesses/limitations:It only freeze time for 30 sec. If I use more than 5 times in one day the use will be on the brake of death.

Geass Name:N/A


Seriously Be ORIGINAL, please

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Here is my app:


Name: Nebuchadnezzar III

Age: 20

Description: Brown hair that reaches his shoulders. It is in a mess. Brown eyes that show a cunning and aggressive soul. He is very tall and is very athletic. He wears armor made in the style of the Babylonians.

Height: '6 "0

Title: General

Alignment: Black Knight

Personality: Very domineering and aggressive. He does not tolerate insubordination within his ranks and punishes anyone who does severly.


Knightmare: 7th Generation

Knightmare Name: Babylon

Knightmare Description: A massive Knightmare that towers over most other Knightmares. It is yellow and beige, making it look as if it came out of the desert. Unlike other Knightmares, the Babylon uses tank-like tracks in transportation, making it a lot slower. It makes up for this with heavy weaponry and heavy armor.


1x Warhammer

4x Slash Harken

2x Anti-Air Missile Packs (10 missiles each)




Mushushshu Experimental Shielding

2x Factsphere

Integrated Nanite Repair System (not available during combat)

Magnetic Tracks



Weps: Longsword


Geass/What it does: ----

Geass weaknesses/limitations: ----

Geass Name: ----

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[spoiler=app not fin]



Description:(Pic or description)TBA


Title: (Knight of Round(if knight of round post number),Noble, Commoner etc)Reckon Comander

Alignment:(Black Knights or Britannia)Black Knights




Knightmare:(optional) 8 Generation

Knightmare Name:

Knightmare Description:(Pic or description)

Weps:(knightmare)MVS, Slashharken x4, choas mine x5

Equip:(again knightmare) fact sphere senser x2 ,blaze luminous x4, float system, cockpit ejetion system, harken booster, landspinner propultion system

Weps:(You/optional) gun


Geass/What it does:(Not everyone can have one, SORRY)causes illusions

Geass weaknesses/limitations: Can make up to 20 illusions. Illusions only can go as far as he can see.

Geass Name:



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