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Sorceress Set


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i like your ideas with the effect, people call it "bland" but i think its good. you dont need a brand-new-uber-super-special-awsome effect that people havnt seen very often to make it a good card. I judge cards by OCG, creativity of card (which means i can also rate normal monsters highly as alot of people dont because all they care about is effect monsters) and the image quality of the card aswell of how relivent the card is to its pictures, names and its effects.




Relivance: 10/10, The names, images and effects are very relivent to eachother.


Quality: 10/10, OCG is perfect as far as i can see, and the cards are not OP in anyway.


Images: 4/10, ah... necromancer is very stretched, elven witch had a website name on it (not good for realistic cards)and theres signitures at the bottom right of the chest and the celestrial alignment. However the remaining pictures are good :)


Overall: 24/30 = 8/10 you have my opinions :)

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