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The First Five Cards from my new pack/set!


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Here's my first five cards from my set, Hero Pack 1. Its basically filled with original heroes, some support cards, and a bit of other support cards, dragons, warriors, etc. Remember to Rate honestly( i take harsh responses too!). and comment! Also Their are some cards with pics that are already cards, cause they suit them.






Effect: "Elemental Hero Thunder Giant"+ 1 "Elemental Hero" monster

This card can only be Special Summoned from your Extra Deck by returning the above cards you control to the Deck (You do not use "Polymerization".) When this card is Summoned, you can special summon one Level 4 or lower "Elemental Hero" from your Deck. When this card deals Battle Damage to your opponent, for every "Elemental Hero" in your Hand and Field, inflict damage to your opponent x 200 equal to their respective Levels. When this card is removed from the Field, Special Summon one "Elemental Hero" from your Deck.



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