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You are stupid, prove me wrong

Lost Soul

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Pretty Simple, get all the questions right on your 1st try, and you get 5 points:

1. Name the most recent year that New Years eve preceded Christmas

2. A red house is made out of red bricks, a blue house out of blue bricks a yellow house out of yellow bricks, and a brown house out of brown bricks. What is a green house made out of?

3. A plane crashes on the border of America and Canada, everybody dies. Where do they bury the survivors?

4. What can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, has a head but never weeps, and has a bed but never sleeps??

5. What is full of holes but still holds water?

6. Imagine you are in a sinking rowboat surrounded by sharks. How would you survive?

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Pretty Simple' date=' get all the questions right on your 1st try, and you get 5 points:

1. Name the most recent year that New Years eve preceded Christmas

2. A red house is made out of red bricks, a blue house out of blue bricks a yellow house out of yellow bricks, and a brown house out of brown bricks. What is a green house made out of?

3. A plane crashes on the border of America and Canada, everybody dies. Where do they bury the survivors?

4. What can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, has a head but never weeps, and has a bed but never sleeps??

5. What is full of holes but still holds water?

6. Imagine you are in a sinking rowboat surrounded by sharks. How would you survive?



1. The New Years that fell on 12/31/2008. It precedes christmas 2009.

2. Glass

3. You don't bury living people.

4. A river

5. A sponge/human

6. Stop imagining.

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Pretty Simple' date=' get all the questions right on your 1st try, and you get 5 points:

1. Name the most recent year that New Years [b']eve [/b]preceded Christmas

2. A red house is made out of red bricks, a blue house out of blue bricks a yellow house out of yellow bricks, and a brown house out of brown bricks. What is a green house made out of?

3. A plane crashes on the border of America and Canada, everybody dies. Where do they bury the survivors?

4. What can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, has a head but never weeps, and has a bed but never sleeps??

5. What is full of holes but still holds water?

6. Imagine you are in a sinking rowboat surrounded by sharks. How would you survive?


1. New Years Eve doesn't preceed christmas...I'm pretty sure only New Year's Day Preceeds christmas...


2. Glass..


3. There are no survivors..


4. A River


5. A Sponge


6. stop the imagining

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1. I think last year did.

2. Glass. haha i love that joke.

3. The survivors dont die?

4. lol a river.

5. sponge, duhh.

6. Don't imagine. Ahaha.


Simple, and fun. Most of these are old jokes. Ahh, well, five points please? You didn't specify that the first gets them, so I'm assuming ill get some too?

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