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My first cards (extremely nervous)


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EFFECT: On your turn this card counts as 1 monster with 3000 ATK points and 2700 DEF points. During your opponent's turn it becomes 3 separate tokens each with 1000 ATK points and 900 DEF points. If your opponent destroys 1 token, this monster still returns to 3000 ATK points, during his next turn this card splits into 2 tokens with 1500 ATK points and 1350 DEF points if he destroys a second this card remains with 3000 for the rest of the duel.

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tanx ill try to fix the over powered ones

i can never find good token pictures


You don't need to make token cards. Just change the effect by using tokens as the medium when they split.

The strongest Normal Lv 8 monster (ATK) is Blue Eyes White Dragon

The strongest Normal Lv 6 monster (ATK) is Frostosaurus

The strongest Normal Lv 4 monster (ATK) is Gene-Warped Warwolf

Use these as a guide. (^_^)

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tanx ill try to fix the over powered ones

i can never find good token pictures


You don't need to make token cards. Just change the effect by using tokens as the medium when they split.

The strongest Normal Lv 8 monster (ATK) is Blue Eyes White Dragon

The strongest Normal Lv 6 monster (ATK) is Frostosaurus

The strongest Normal Lv 4 monster (ATK) is Gene-Warped Warwolf

Use these as a guide. (^_^)


thanks man i owe u one

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just 1 question

are you a boy or a girl?

because there are only fairies

there's no problem i'm not being like racist i just want to clarify because i like fairies too but as cards not real fairies in movies or something


anyways they're good but some pics are blury




im a guy but the reason i made pure fairy cards is because of the fact most of the duelists i know dont take fairies seriously so because of that i take things no one takes seriously to things no one wants to mess with like a card i made called butterfly dragon i make weak things into sumtin dat is powerful

and i hate movie fairies if i loved them dont you think tinkerbell wouldve been on these cards and the word you were looking for was sexist not racist

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The cards ar egood, and I liek you chose a decent number of vanillas. its not something you see alot of.


aside from pics, and OCG,, and the divine beast(Somethign most dont; take seriously) there's not alot wrong once you fx some effects. with support cards, this could be something fearsome.


and I agree with the faires ot being taken seriously. type never equals might.



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The cards ar egood' date=' and I liek you chose a decent number of vanillas. its not something you see alot of.


aside from pics, and OCG,, and the divine beast(Somethign most dont; take seriously) there's not alot wrong once you fx some effects. with support cards, this could be something fearsome.


and I agree with the faires ot being taken seriously. type never equals might.





PLZ for the love of Ra can you explain this support thingy people tell me this but dont understand it.

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