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X-Saber Done Right? IRL.


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Deck: 40

Monsters: 20

X-Saber Airbellum, 3x

XX-Saber Faultroll, 3x

XX-Fulhelmknight, 3x

XX-Saber Gardestrike, 2x

XX-Saber Ragigura, 2x

X-Saber Galahad, 2x

Giant Rat, 2x

Rescue Cat, 1x

NS-Grand Mole, 1x

Cydra, 1x


Spells: 11

Saber Slash, 2x

RoTA, 1x

Brain Control, 1x

141, 1x

Foolish Burial, 1x

ScapeGoat, 1x

Lighting Vortex, 1x

Heavy Storm, 1x

Giant Trunade, 1x

My Body as a Shield, 1x


Traps: 9

Gottom's E-Call, 2x

CED, 2x

T-Roar, 2x

Mirror Force, 1x

Torrential Tribute, 1x

CTH, 1x


Extra Deck: 15

XX-Saber Gottoms, 3x

X-Saber Urbellum, 2x

10 other generic Synchros


the deck is pretty basic hand destruction/swarm. but as right now, im split between whats in my deck right now, and my side deck. which consists of:

Ryko, 2x

BTH, 2x

BoM, 2x

Smashing, 1x

*Anti-Meta support*

Light/Dark Imprisoning Mirrors, 2x *each*

GB Hunter, 2x

D.D. Crow, 2x


any help would be thankful.

someone delete this, computer screwed up.

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