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HALO - The Prophet of Doom [BASIC]


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So anyways, let's get on with the plot!

[spoiler=The plot... dandandandaaan]You are an ODST or SPARTAN soldier of the UNSC. Master Cheif has not yet been rescued, but now masses of SPARTANs are under production, with 6000 of them created so far. ODST units are now patroling many colonies, and have become the primary defence. We have found that when John-117 crash-landed, his body was no longer frozen. He has sent one transmission so far. Part-way through his message, someone calling himself 'The Prophet of Doom' end the transmission. We must travel to this planet which is now crawling with remaining Convetant fighters, and rescue our SPARTAN. Be prepared soldiers, for this is almost suicidal.


[spoiler=note]The Convetant now has troops known as 'Deafener's, rather like a hunter and brute fused, only much more orderly. They have formed an 'Army of Doom'.


[spoiler=App]Name(or ID)-

Breed- SPARTAN(II, III), Deafener, Brute, Hunter, ODST, Elite

Primary Weapons-



[spoiler=Accepted units][spoiler=The UNSC]KANE-713(SPARTAN II, Commander Grade 2) JACOB-617(SPARTAN III, Demolition Leader)NICHOLAS-919(SPARTAN III, CQCS)PETER-913(SPARTAN II, Commander)Kaisu-719(ODST, Troop)Apollo-1893(SPARTAN III, Ranged Combat, Sniper)

[spoiler=The Convetant]N/A



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Name(or ID)- Jacob-617

Breed- Spartan III

Primary Weapons- Rocket Launcher, Spartan Laser

Position- Demolition Leader (primary purpose of demosquad is to take down any Scarabs and other covenent vehicles and Destroy doors, hence the RL and SL)


dont know if i can use that last part though..

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Okay, accepted. Also, like on the games, you can pick up weapons, also, you can get new clips from allies/enemies. Just don't abuse the system like-

"Hey look! An unmaned Wraith!"


The option to be an Elite has been added. I forgot that..

Oh yeah, also added Hunter & Brute options.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for the delay. Start -


Kaisu took of his helmet on one of his many walks around New Mombasa. Rumor had it that the Legendary Petty-Officer Mast Cheif John-117, the once last of the SPARTANS, had been located. A mass of Pelicans leaving Earth had somewhat confirmed this rumor. He lowered his Magnum. He just hoped things were going to remain peaceful. But what if these rumors were true? That would mean the Covenant still lived. Maybe the Elites and Arbiter would come back. He slung his SMG over his shoulder and headed back towards one of the UNSC Depots.


Meanwhile, Kane was in the mist of it all. It had turned out that they had several Covenant Ghosts aboard the next Pelican. The one he was going to be on. He was armed with a standard Sniper Rifle and Magnum. Take'm out quickly, pick'm out one by one. That was how he worked. Hopping aboard a Troop Transport Warthog with several other SPARTANs, a convoy of them headed towards the next Pelican.



ooc:What were the USNC Flight Vehicles called again? The Human version of the Banshi thingamabob.

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OoC: the UNSC fly in combat ships known as Hornets.



NICHOLAS was in the back of one of the Troop 'Hogs. He wondered how long it would be until they would board the Pelicans. Nicholas didn't like this. He liked being up close and personal, not riding around in some stupid vehicles. He was born to use a shotgun, damnit. Oh well, he thought. At least I'm still out on duty.

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ic:"So, you think it's true that ol' Johnny's been found?" Kane asked Nicholas. He was supposed to be a made for battle, not some member of a silly search party. The rumors were spreading quickly. And also the fear that the Covenant was still alive.

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"If he's dead, he's dead. Then we'll just have to work that much harder." Nicholas was never in doubt about anything. When he thought something, that was that. "If we do things right, we can win this war; with, or without, the Master Chief."


OoC: BTW, are you a serious Halo fan? You know, read the books over and over, played Halo over and over, know everything about Halo, etc?

I am going to go to bed, so I will now be signing off. Good night, and I will join you in this RP after school tomorrow, I hope.

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Jacob looks torwards Kane. "wait, so i came along for this search and we're hoping i don't get a chance to take out some of those giant walkers.. scarabs werent they called?" he says. he looks torwards Nicholas "you agree with me right buddy, if we got some of those covenant ar ethere it will make this search into something fun". he looks back to Kane. "buddy all i want to do is blow one of those things up, then ill be happy and let us leave if you guys want" he says.

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