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Star Child

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[spoiler=plot] The year is 2050, and aliens have invaded. These creatures are only what you'd expect to see in a nightmare, or horror film of unamaginable terror. The aliens will stop at nothing to enslave us, or destroy us, whichever comes first.


[spoiler=alien appearance] [spoiler=stage 1] http://fc03.deviantart.com/fs13/f/2007/051/b/c/Alien_by_ulrickwery.jpg

Abilitys: So small it is unseen by human eyes.

[spoiler=stage 2] http://fc07.deviantart.comfs43f/2009/112/6/1Baby_Alien_by_imaginism.jpg

Abilitys: Can spit poison.

[spoiler=stage 3] http://fc07.deviantart.com/fs17/f/2007/196/9/b/GBChibi_Alien_by_gb2k.jpg

Abilitys: Can spit poison. Indestructable claws.

[spoiler=stage 4] http://fc00.deviantart.com/fs19/f/2007/293/1/3/Alien_by_Quere.png

Abilitys: Can spit poison. Indestructable claws. Superior sight and smell. Can slowly regenerate.

[spoiler=stage 5] http://fc01.deviantart.com/fs45/f/2009/066/6/b/The_Alien_Queen_by_14_bis.jpg

Abilitys: Can spit poison. Indestructable claws. All senses superior. Can rapidly regenerate. *Can instantaniously reproduce. Can split itself in half. Can merge with any half of stage 5 aliens. Can quickly shed skin.


*All reproductions start at stage 1.



[spoiler=app] Username:

RP Name:

Human or Alien:

Stage(alien only):

Pic(human only):

Weopons(human only)(max 3):

Extra Notes:



[spoiler=my app] Username: Twin Seed

RP Name: John Ara

Human or Alien: Human

Stage(alien only):

Pic(human only): http://fc05.deviantart.com/fs27/i/2008/144/7/4/predator_by_rodvanhellsing.jpg

Weopons(human only)(max 3): Plasma gun with freeze ray on end. Heat resistant sword. Plasma grenades.

Exra Notes: The armor, weopons, and technology were stolen off of a predator. Sight is like predator sight while helmet is on.



[spoiler=accepted] [spoiler=Twin Seed] Username: Twin Seed

RP Name: John Ara

Human or Alien: Human

Stage(alien only):

Pic(human only): http://fc05.deviantart.com/fs27/i/2008/144/7/4/predator_by_rodvanhellsing.jpg

Weopons(human only)(max 3): Plasma gun with freeze ray on end. Heat resistant sword. Plasma grenades.

Exra Notes: The armor, weopons, and technology were stolen off of a predator. Sight is like predator sight while helmet is on.



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