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SynchroLADD Control


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[align=center]Total 43 Cards


Monsters 24:

[1] Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind [1]

[2] Breaker the Magical Warrior [2]

[1] Cyber Dragon [1]

[1] Dark Armed Dragon [1]

[2] Herald Of Creation [2]

[2] Light and Darkness Dragon [2]

[1] Plaguespreader Zombie [1]

[3] Soldier of the Mist Valley [3]

[1] Treeborn Frog [1]

[1] Dandylion [1]

[1] Destiny Hero - Dasher [1]

[2] Destiny Hero - Malicious [2]

[1] Destiny Hero - Plasma [1]

[2] Raiza the Storm Monarch [2]

[2] Spell Striker [2]

[1] Summoner Monk [1]


Spells 15:

[2] Allure of Darkness [2]

[1] Brain Control [1]

[2] Book of Moon [2]

[2] Destiny Draw [2]

[2] Foolish Burial [2]

[1] Heavy Storm [1]

[1] Mind Control [1]

[1] Mystical Space Typhoon [1]

[1] Trade-In [1]

[1] Scapegoat [1]

[2] Soul Exchange [2]


Traps 3:

[2] Royal Decree [2]

[1] Call of the Haunted [1]


Extra Deck 11:

[1] Chimeratech Fortress Dragon [1]

[2] Ally of Justice - Catastor [2]

[1] Black Rose Dragon [1]

[1] Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier [1]

[1] Goyo Gaurdian [1]

[1] Iron Chain Dragon [1]

[1] Red Dragon Archfiend [1]

[1] Revived King Ha Des [1]

[1] Stardust Dragon [1]

[1] Thought Ruler Archfiend [1]

[1] Arcanite Magician [1]


Side Deck 14:

[2] Blackwing - Sirocco the Dawn [2]

[2] D.D. Crow [2]

[1] Gorz the Emissary of Darkness [1]

[1] Raiza the Storm Monarch [1]

[1] Snipe Hunter [1]

[2] Tualatin [2]

[3] Light Imprisoning Mirror [3]

[1] Shadow Imprisoning Mirror [1]

[1] Torrential Tribute [1][/align]



Feel free to ask questions about any unusual techs.

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I stopped reading at "Total 48 Cards".


Get the hell out of my thread.

I tried giving you some constructive critisism on your own deck, but you completely shoved it to the side, insulting me in the process, and now you come flame my thread. The deck isn't so large it's impossible to rate/fix. I made it clear that thats what I need help with for this deck.

"The biggest Problem I have with this deck right now is it's size. Its not extreemly massive, but its still too big." Sliming it down. Anyone who doesn't want to help with that should just not comment.

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-3 Thestalos

-1 LaDD

-1 Mole



There is a lot more that needs to be done but that's a place to start.


Thank you. I was thinking strongly about removing The GGK. They haven't been getting me very far lately.

I've been running 3 LADD only because of the additions of Soul Exchange and Star Blast, but going back to 2 sounds good.

Ill have to test not running mole since he is excelent at clearing away big things like opposing monarchs.

I was actually considering running Don Zaloogs over Thestalos. I still need something in that place for hand control. But I'll test running maybee only 2 Zaloogs with no Thestalos.

That would put me at 42 cards which is reasonable enough.

I'm also thinking that three forbidden chalice is too many with only 2 LADDs. Drop 1 and the deck is down to 41 cards.


Ill test some and post results later

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Reckless Greed and Housekeeping are counterproductive here. Why have reduction of Deck size with so many over 40? Sure they're good instant draw power, but they're filler, and not for control. Reckless Greed is for OTK. GGH is pretty much not the done thing anywhere with a few exceptions which don't come to mind at the moment.


I don't like Chaos Sorcerer here. It feels as though you're straining your lineup towards having enough LIGHTs to support it. Once that's done, you can drop the Heralds, which Barbaros would be preferable to considering that it can function with LaDD out and that it has chemistry with Forbidden Chalice.


Raiza is superior to Thestalos these days. Hitting a Malicious, Mezuki, Gardna, Plaguespreader, Treeborn, Vayu, etc with it can really be a pain.


Medium of the Ice Barrier doesn't make all that much sense here to be honest. I noticed it doesn't have a little write-up in your handbook either, which also makes it seem that you'd be open to its removal. I'd assume it's for after an LaDD explosion, but for those, Gorz is really much better. That being said, I'd cut them for a Gorz and a Summoner Monk, which is an automatic Level 8 if you target Soldier of Mist Valley.


The lack of Call of the Haunted isn't something I'd support. Star Blast isn't a great idea with LaDD being the only card with good synergy. For Raiza and Gorz it's basically just equipping a Level 4 calibre monster with Axe of Despair and having to pay Life Points. You have enough fodder for LaDD, so take one out for Call of the Haunted, and another for a Solemn Judgment to keep with the control.


That should help, keep me posted on how it all works out.

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Reckless Greed and Housekeeping are counterproductive here. Why have reduction of Deck size with so many over 40? Sure they're good instant draw power' date=' but they're filler, and not for control. Reckless Greed is for OTK. GGH is pretty much not the done thing anywhere with a few exceptions which don't come to mind at the moment.


I don't like Chaos Sorcerer here. It feels as though you're straining your lineup towards having enough LIGHTs to support it. Once that's done, you can drop the Heralds, which Barbaros would be preferable to considering that it can function with LaDD out and that it has chemistry with Forbidden Chalice.


Raiza is superior to Thestalos these days. Hitting a Malicious, Mezuki, Gardna, Plaguespreader, Treeborn, Vayu, etc with it can really be a pain.


Medium of the Ice Barrier doesn't make all that much sense here to be honest. I noticed it doesn't have a little write-up in your handbook either, which also makes it seem that you'd be open to its removal. I'd assume it's for after an LaDD explosion, but for those, Gorz is really much better. That being said, I'd cut them for a Gorz and a Summoner Monk, which is an automatic Level 8 if you target Soldier of Mist Valley.


The lack of Call of the Haunted isn't something I'd support. Star Blast isn't a great idea with LaDD being the only card with good synergy. For Raiza and Gorz it's basically just equipping a Level 4 calibre monster with Axe of Despair and having to pay Life Points. You have enough fodder for LaDD, so take one out for Call of the Haunted, and another for a Solemn Judgment to keep with the control.


That should help, keep me posted on how it all works out.



Thanks a ton. Im gunna change the deck around a ton later and test it tomorrow. Ill post results when Im done testing

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I will try to make you a build a bit later or tomorrow.


heres what it looks like right now. Im about to test it.


1x gale

2x Breaker

1x Chaos

1x Cydra

1x DAD

2x Don Zaloog

1x Gorz

2x herald (gunna test with Barbaros as well)


2x Medium of Ice barrier

1x PSZ

2x Raiza

2x Soldier of Mist

1x Spirit reaper

1x Summoner Monk

1x Treeborn



2x Allure

2x Forbidden Chalice

1x Brain Control

1x Heavy Storm

1x Lightning Vortex (considering Smashing Ground?)

1x Mind Control

1x MST

1x Goats

2x Soul Exchange



1x CotH

1x Mirror Force

1x Solemn J.

2x Threatening Roar(D-prison better??)


How does that look. Ill be testing tonight and tomorrow. Ill edit the first post once I have a more solid base.

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sbdnate said that he wanted to give this a try so I let him.



2x LaDD

1x DLZ

1x Plasma

1x Frog

2x Malicious

1x D-Dude

1x Fear Monger

1x Stratos

1x PSZ

2x Krebons

1x Gale

2x Z-Master

2x Goblin Zombie

2x Mezuki

1x DAD

1x Grepher



3x D-Draw

1x Trade In

2x Allure

2x BoL

2x Foolish

1x Brain

1x Storm

1x Trunade

1x BfaDD

1x E-Tele

1x RotA



1x TT

1x CotH


I just threw this together really quick so it could probably use some work...

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Whats DLZ? reffering too? Also I've been running the build from my last post with Spell Strikers instead of Medium and its been working pretty great. Instant Synchro material/Tribute fodder.

There are a few other chanegs I've made. Ive switched Gorz out for another Raiza. I removed Chaos Sorceror. I've been running Book of Moon since Chalice isn't available in Stardust Accelerator, and every time I've been in need of using it, its been more effective than chalice, except one time when someone tried to ram Grand Mole into Stardust dragon, but it still ruined them.


I'm also considering trying to work in a d-hero engine. My ideas consist of including 2 Malicious, and 2 Foolish Buerial. Foolish has great synergy with Treeborn already. And then Either Dashers to help in swarming the field for Synchro summons and Tributes, or Plasmas for more control. Plasma also goes great with Scapegoat. Running 5 D-Heros should be enough to run 2 D-Draws which could imensely speed the deck up.

Right now my deck list is at 42 Cards total.

23 Monsters, 12 Spells, and 7 Traps.

I could easily remove threatening roars for D-Draws or foolish Buerials.

I could Remove 2 Zaloogs for 2 Malicious.

Ill have to test other stuff though. Ill edit it and post the deck later.

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Whats DLZ? reffering too? Also I've been running the build from my last post with Spell Strikers instead of Medium and its been working pretty great. Instant Synchro material/Tribute fodder.

There are a few other chanegs I've made. Ive switched Gorz out for another Raiza. I removed Chaos Sorceror. I've been running Book of Moon since Chalice isn't available in Stardust Accelerator' date=' and every time I've been in need of using it, its been more effective than chalice, except one time when someone tried to ram Grand Mole into Stardust dragon, but it still ruined them.


I'm also considering trying to work in a d-hero engine. My ideas consist of including 2 Malicious, and 2 Foolish Buerial. Foolish has great synergy with Treeborn already. And then Either Dashers to help in swarming the field for Synchro summons and Tributes, or Plasmas for more control. Plasma also goes great with Scapegoat. Running 5 D-Heros should be enough to run 2 D-Draws which could imensely speed the deck up.

Right now my deck list is at 42 Cards total.

23 Monsters, 12 Spells, and 7 Traps.

I could easily remove threatening roars for D-Draws or foolish Buerials.

I could Remove 2 Zaloogs for 2 Malicious.

Ill have to test other stuff though. Ill edit it and post the deck later.



sbdnate's build has been working wonders so far, you should give it a try.


DLZ=Darklord Zerato.

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Yeah, I'll give it a try after I test this version some more times. Its working quite well. It;s still a bit over sized though. I basically took the build from a few posts up (edited since then) and changed it to have a D-Hero Engine. heres the list. Its at 45 Cards, which needs to be reduced by at least 3. 42 Cards is the highest number you can have while still haveing a good percentage to draw the card you need at the right time. Once you have 43 the percentage practicaly skyrockets. With the Draw Engine especially 42 Cards is workable.


24 Monsters

1x gale

2x breaker

1x cyrda

1x dandylion

1x dad

1x dasher

2x malicious

2x plasma

2x herald


1x PSZ

2x Raiza

2x Soldier of Mist

2x Spell Striker

1x summoner monk

1x treeborn


16 Spells

2x allure

2x book of moon

1x brain c.

2x d-draw

2x foolish

1x heavy

1x mind c.

1x mst

1x goats

2x soul exchange

1x trade in


5 traps

2x bottomless trap hole

1x Coth

1x mirror force

1x solemn j.


Its been working great. This deck can synchro like crazy, and It can bring out deadly tributes with ease.

Striker Probably looks bad, but it had great synergy with this deck. Especially with Summoner Monk. Dump A Spell, Remove it. and you have options for what to synch into. Striker can also easily remove any of the draw engine spells to become intant tribute fodder LADD or Raiza. It really works great in this deck.

I'm not sure about 2 Plasma or 2 Dasher. Right now plasma is working great with Goats and Trade in, but 1 Plasma and 2 LADD is enough for Trade in. Dasher is only really usefull via Foolish and DDraw as it helps swarm the field, but its pretty useless for offensiveness, and there are better options for Foolish, so DDraw is the only real usefull way to dump him. Would only be running 1 of each, leaving 4 Dheros for 2 Draws be effective?

But yeah. Its been running smooth. Im considering adding some more tuners. maybee an E-Tele Set? But what would be good to take out for now to reduce it to at least 42?


@ Zelda tp fan: Once I perfect this version of the Deck Ill test the version you posted to see which Is better.

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This version has been running amazingly well. I'm considering running Laquari, and Bestiari in the side deck, with Herk and Gyuraz in the extra deck, since against Glads, Mind Control and Brain Control can easily allow me to bring out Gyuraz and even Herk.

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