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{Lovely New Card} Praggy - Concentrated Flame Master

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[align=center]Yay Another card! Its effect might be a little confusing and Im (omg for the first time ; . ; ) a little worried about OCG >>. ;3 Hope you love it!


Praggy - Concentrated Flame Master


1 Tuner monster + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters

This card is also treated as a Pyro-Type monster. This card cannot be destroyed by the effect of Trap Cards. Once per turn, shuffle your Deck and pick up the top 4 cards of your Deck. If cards are: 1 Normal Monster Card, 1 Effect Monster Card, 1 Spell Card, and 1 Trap Card, you must remove 2 or more of the picked up cards from play and inflict 500 points of damage to your opponent for each card removed from play, the remaining cards are added to your hand. During each of your End Phase you must pay 800 Life Points, if you do not, this card is removed from play.


<(^^)> Hug it if ya Love it![/align]

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