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http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/images/icons/wink.gi(A FUnnY Aand PowerFul Card...--


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[/color][/size][/font]A Card VerY FUnNy And vEry Powerful


Mini Support




Effect: This card can only be activated when a "Dragon Master Knight" is destroyed in your field. You can Special Summon 3 "Knight Dragon Token (Dragon / LIGHT / Level 3/ATK 1000/DEF 1000) in Defense Mode. If none of these Token is not destroyed after 3 turns can relive your Cemetery to the "Dragon Master Knight.





I'm new

do not be cruel

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made a mistake forgiveness


Mini Support




Effect: This card can only be activated when a "Dragon Master Knight" is destroyed in your field. You can Special Summon 3 "Knight Dragon Token (Dragon / LIGHT / Level 3/ATK 1000/DEF 1000) in Defense Mode. If none of these Token is not destroyed after 3 turns can relive your Cemetery to the "Dragon Master Knight.






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This card can only be activated when a "Dragon Master Knight" is destroyed by battle. Special Summon 3 "Knight Dragon Token" (LIGHT/Dragon/Level 3/1000/1000) in Defense Position. If you control 1 "Knight Dragon Token" 3 turns after this card was activated you can Special Summon 1 "Dragon Master Knight" from your Graveyard.


OCG fixed and effect made better. 1 question. have you ever seen a Dragon master Knight been destroy by battle??? anyway nice idea. maybe a new pic though



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