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This card is extremely powerful, but I believe its difficulty makes it worth getting out.




1 level 7 Tuner + 1 or more level 7 non-Tuner monsers


When Synchro Summoning this monsters, its level is treated as any multiple of 7 (excluding 7). This cards ATK and DEF are equal to the combined, respective, original ATK and DEF of the Synchro material monsters used to summon it. This card gains all the effects of the Synchro Material monsters used to summon it.

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Yeah, but its not immune to anything, i don't know any level seven that is. Also, i know that levels only go to seven, but its just like effects that say during damage calculation only. Plus, getting more than two level sevens on the field is a feat in itself.

typo, i meant i know levels only go to twelve

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